WHIRL – Reasoning with IE output


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Presentation transcript:

WHIRL – Reasoning with IE output 11/3/10

Announcements Next week: mid-term progress reports on project Talks Mon, Wed Written 2-page status update Wed midnight Don’t get stressed about format Things to talk about: Problem and approach Related work Dataset characteristics, baseline performance Your experiences so far: what’s been hard

What is “Information Extraction” As a task: Filling slots in a database from sub-segments of text. October 14, 2002, 4:00 a.m. PT For years, Microsoft Corporation CEO Bill Gates railed against the economic philosophy of open-source software with Orwellian fervor, denouncing its communal licensing as a "cancer" that stifled technological innovation. Today, Microsoft claims to "love" the open-source concept, by which software code is made public to encourage improvement and development by outside programmers. Gates himself says Microsoft will gladly disclose its crown jewels--the coveted code behind the Windows operating system--to select customers. "We can be open source. We love the concept of shared source," said Bill Veghte, a Microsoft VP. "That's a super-important shift for us in terms of code access.“ Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation, countered saying… IE NAME TITLE ORGANIZATION Bill Gates CEO Microsoft Bill Veghte VP Microsoft Richard Stallman founder Free Soft.. QA End User

What is “Information Extraction” As a task: Answering questions from a user using information in text Is building a conventional DB a necessary subgoal? When can you answer questions without one? October 14, 2002, 4:00 a.m. PT For years, Microsoft Corporation CEO Bill Gates railed against the economic philosophy of open-source software with Orwellian fervor, denouncing its communal licensing as a "cancer" that stifled technological innovation. Today, Microsoft claims to "love" the open-source concept, by which software code is made public to encourage improvement and development by outside programmers. Gates himself says Microsoft will gladly disclose its crown jewels--the coveted code behind the Windows operating system--to select customers. "We can be open source. We love the concept of shared source," said Bill Veghte, a Microsoft VP. "That's a super-important shift for us in terms of code access.“ Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation, countered saying… IE NAME TITLE ORGANIZATION Bill Gates CEO Microsoft Bill Veghte VP Microsoft Richard Stallman founder Free Soft.. QA End User

Deduction via co-operation User Economic issues: Who pays for integration? Who tracks errors & inconsistencies? Who fixes bugs? Who pushes for clarity in underlying concepts and object identifiers? Standards approach  publishers are responsible  publishers pay Mediator approach: 3rd party does the work, agnostic as to cost Integrated KB Site1 Site3 Site2 KB1 KB3 KB2 Standard Terminology

SELECT R.a,S.a,S.b,T.b FROM R,S,T WHIRL approach: Query Q SELECT R.a,S.a,S.b,T.b FROM R,S,T WHERE R.a~S.a and S.b~T.b (~ TFIDF-similar) Link items as needed by Q R.a S.a S.b T.b Anhai Doan Dan Weld Incrementally produce a ranked list of possible links, with “best matches” first. User (or downstream process) decides how much of the list to generate and examine. William Will Cohen Cohn Steve Steven Minton Mitton William David Cohen Cohn

WHIRL queries “Find reviews of sci-fi comedies [movie domain] FROM review SELECT * WHERE r.text~’sci fi comedy’ (like standard ranked retrieval of “sci-fi comedy”) “ “Where is [that sci-fi comedy] playing?” FROM review as r, LISTING as s, SELECT * WHERE r.title~s.title and r.text~’sci fi comedy’ (best answers: titles are similar to each other – e.g., “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 2005” and the review text is similar to “sci-fi comedy”)

WHIRL queries Similarity is based on TFIDF rare words are most important. Search for high-ranking answers uses inverted indices…. - It is easy to find the (few) items that match on “important” terms - Search for strong matches can prune “unimportant terms” Star Wars Episode III Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Cinderella Man … The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 2005 Men in Black, 1997 Space Balls, 1987 … Years are common in the review archive, so have low weight hitchhiker movie00137 the movie001,movie003,movie007,movie008, movie013,movie018,movie023,movie0031, …..

test train

Information integration: Outline Information integration: Some history The problem, the economics, and the economic problem “Soft” information integration Concrete uses of “soft” integration Classification Collaborative filtering Set expansion

Other string distances

Robust distance metrics for strings Kinds of distances between s and t: Edit-distance based (Levenshtein, Smith-Waterman, …): distance is cost of cheapest sequence of edits that transform s to t. Term-based (TFIDF, Jaccard, DICE, …): distance based on set of words in s and t, usually weighting “important” words Which methods work best when?

Robust distance metrics for strings SecondString (Cohen, Ravikumar, Fienberg, IIWeb 2003): Java toolkit of string-matching methods from AI, Statistics, IR and DB communities Tools for evaluating performance on test data Used to experimentally compare a number of metrics

Results: Edit-distance variants Monge-Elkan (a carefully-tuned Smith-Waterman variant) is the best on average across the benchmark datasets… 11-pt interpolated recall/precision curves averaged across 11 benchmark problems

Results: Edit-distance variants But Monge-Elkan is sometimes outperformed on specific datasets Precision-recall for Monge-Elkan and one other method (Levenshtein) on a specific benchmark

SoftTFDF: A robust distance metric We also compared edit-distance based and term-based methods, and evaluated a new “hybrid” method: SoftTFIDF, for token sets S and T: Extends TFIDF by including pairs of words in S and T that “almost” match—i.e., that are highly similar according to a second distance metric (the Jaro-Winkler metric, an edit-distance like metric).

Comparing token-based, edit-distance, and hybrid distance metrics SFS is a vanilla IDF weight on each token (circa 1959!)

SoftTFIDF is a Robust Distance Metric

Cohen, Kautz & McAllister paper [KDD 2000]

S, H are sets of tuples over “references” Definitions S, H are sets of tuples over “references” “B. Selman1”, “William W. Cohen34”, “B Selman2”,… Ipot is a weighted set of “possible” arcs. I is a subset of I. Given r, follow a chain of arcs to get the “final interpretation” of r. “B. Selman1”  “Bart Selman22”  …  “B. Selman27”

# tuples in hard DB H=I(S) Goal Given S and Ipot, find the I that minimizes Number of arcs Total weight of all arcs # tuples in hard DB H=I(S) Idea: ~= find MAP hard database behind S Arcs correspond to errors/abbreviations…. Chains of transformations correspond to errors that propogate via copying

Facts about hardening This simplifies a very simple generative model for a database Generate tuples in H one by one Generate arcs I in Ipot one by one Generate tuples in S one by one (given H and I) Greedy method makes sense: “Easy” merges can lower the cost of later “hard” merges Hardening is hard NP hard even under severe restrictions—because the choices of what to merge where are all interconnected.

affil(“Bert Sealmann”3, “Cornell”3) “B.selman” “Bart Selman” “Critical …in …” -> “Critical .. For ..” affil(“Bert Sealmann”3, “Cornell”3) author(“Bert Sealmann”3, “BLACKBOX: … problem solving ”3)