给 gěi “to; for”
话 huà “speech; talk”
电话 diànhuà “telephone”
打电话 dǎdiànhuà “to make a phone call”
喂 wèi “Hello! Hey!”
“to be present; to be at (a place)” 在 zài “to be present; to be at (a place)”
“indication of someone mentioned before” 就 jiù “indication of someone mentioned before”
哪 nǎ “which”
“a polite MW for people” 位 wèi “a polite MW for people”
下午 xiàwǔ “afternoon”
时间 shíjiān “time”
几 jǐ “some, a few”
问题 wèntí “question; problem”
开 kāi “to hold (a meeting)”
开会 kāihuì “to have a meeting”
上午 shàngwǔ “morning”
节 jié “MW for class period”
要 yào “will; be going to”
课 kè “class; lesson”
年级 niánjī “grade in school”
考 kǎo “to give or take a test”
考试 考试 kǎoshì “to give or take a test”
以后 yǐhòu “after”
有空儿 yǒukòng(r) “to have time”
要是 yàoshì “if”
方便 fāngbiàn “convenient”
到…去 dào…qù “to go to (a place)”
办公室 bàngōngshì “office”
行 xíng “all right; O.K.”
没问题 méi wèntí “no problem”
等 děng “to wait; to wait for”
客气 kèqì “polite”
búkèqì “You are welcome; don’t be polite” 不客气 búkèqì “You are welcome; don’t be polite”