on propulsion of OBD2 gtr Japan’s proposal on propulsion of OBD2 gtr 17-18/Oct/ 2017 JAPAN AUTOMOBILE STANDARDS INTERNATIONALIZATION CENTER http://www.jasic.org
Target schedule of OBD2 gtr Current recognition of Japan on OBD2 gtr schedule Predicted schedule for OBD2 gtr and Japan’s 4th domestic regulation 2017 2018 2019 2020 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN OBD2 gtr Current estimation Target schedule of OBD2 gtr ★Informal document to GRPE ★Formal document to GRPE Formal document to WP29 ★Informal document to GRPE Implementation of Japan domestic regulation Dec/2020 ★Formal document to GRPE ★Formal document to WP29 ・Schedule to implement Japan’s 4th domestic regulation is already decided. ・To harmonize Japan’s 4th domestic regulation with OBD2 gtr, Japan needs to wait public notification and the series of operations until OBD2 gtr is decided. ・OBD2 gtr needs to be decided by Jun/2018 considering implementation schedule of 4th domestic regulation. Japan proposes to support EPPR for efficient propulsion of OBD2 gtr to advance schedule as much as possible.
Japan’s Proposal Japan proposal Japan proposes to serve as vice chair of EPPR to support chair. Particularly for OBD2, Japan will support to coordinate proposal documents of CPs prior to the EPPR meeting and telephone conference to make discussion more effective.