Outline Basic English Information Inquiry Reading Technical Materials Introduction, Grammar, Vocabulary, Translation Information Inquiry Database Reading Technical Materials Communications, Signal processing, Networks, etc. Technical Writing How to write a technical paper Latex Software
Latex Download Template Forum http://www.ctex.org/HomePage http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html http://mirrors.cqu.edu.cn/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/IEEEtran_HOWTO.pdf https://ctan.org/ http://bbs.ctex.org/forum.php
Latex Basic information Typesetting Formula New environment Text Special characters Command Comment Run Typesetting Paragraph Sections Cross referral Other useful tips Formula New environment
Basic information Text Special characters Commands Comments Just type the words as you do in the Word. Consecutive blanks are displayed as one blank. Special characters Add ‘\’ to show special characters in the text, i.e., Commands Begins with ‘\’ and specific words. E.g., \today returns the specific date, \textbf gives boldface characters, \alpha gives Comments The sentences following % are comments.
Basic information Run Latex Document types Run Latex over the xxx.tex file. Make corrections if errors. Warnings are ok, but make sure that there is no fatal mistakes. With dvi file available, run dvi2pdf over the xxx.tex file. Document types Article, report, slides Onecolumn, twocolumn 10pt, 12pt Generally use the template for technical papers. For large files, we may write different tex files for different parts, and use ‘\input’ to merge the tex files together.
Typesetting Paragraph Special characters Section Cross referral Separate the paragraphs manually with two Enter, or ‘\\’, or \newline \newpage. Special characters ‘’ or `` ’’, \ldots, \~, ^o, -- Commands included in Equation Section \section, \subsection, \subsubsection Cross referral \label{xx}, \ref{xx} eq:xx, sec:xx, fig:xx, tab:xx Other useful tips \footnote, \underline, \emph Unit: cm, mm, in, pt Font size: \tiny, \scriptsize, \footnotesize, \small, \normalsize, \large,\Large, \LARGE, \huge, \Huge
Typesetting Other useful tips
Typesetting Other useful tips \begin{center} … \end{center} \flushlest, \flushright \begin{itemize} \item ..\end{itemize} \begin{enumerate}\item .. \end{enumerate} \begin{description} \item.. \end{description} \begin{tabular} …\end{tabular}, \hline, \cline, \caption \pagestyle{..}, plain, headings, empty \begin{spacing}{1.8} \hspace, \vspace
Formula Commands \begin{equation}\end{equation} \begin{align}\end{align} \begin{array}{ll}.. & ..\\ .. & ..\end{array} Take advantage of the commands included in Equation for the special symbols Eg., 1) a^2, a_2, \sqrt, \le, \ge, \in, \subset; 2) \alpha, \beta, \infty; 3) \overline, \underline, \overbrace, \underbrace, \rightarrow; 4) \dot, \cdot, \times, \frac, \sum, \integral; 5) \cos, \sin, \arg, \max, \min, \left,\right; 6) \big, \Big, \bigg, \Bigg, Use \quad, \, \hspace to express blank. No blank line is allowed.
New Environment newcommands \newcommand{xx}{xxxxxx} Eg., \newcommand{\E}{\mathbb{E}},; \newtheorem{xx}{xxxxxx} Eg., \newtheorem{\Exm}{Example}, \begin{Exm}\end{Exm}