Tapping into prior knowledge Fantastic Fractions Tapping into prior knowledge
I CAN… Share my prior knowledge of division and fractions Model fractions in a variety of ways Iterate a fraction on a number line
What I know about division! (3 min.) On a lined piece of paper, mark 6 Xs in the left margin of your paper. Skip a line after each X. Write as many things as you can about division in 3 minutes. Your goal is to write at least 6 statements, words, and/or ideas to show what you know about division.
Model and Describe ¾ (5 min.) Underneath your writing about division, draw or write as many ways that you can think of to describe ¾. What does ¾ look like? Where might we see ¾? Can you give an example of when something would be ¾?
Group and Compare (15 min.) Meet in a group of 4 to compare your ideas. Create a simple poster which shares your group’s ideas on division. Create a separate simple poster which includes 5 or more representations of the fraction ¾.
Gallery Walk (5 min.) Leave your poster on your table. Walk around the room with your notes. Add any interesting ideas or representations that you want to include in your notes. Add a minimum of 3 ideas to your notes.
3 5 Fraction Notes (10 min.) Numerator = NUMBER of pieces Denominator = SIZE of the pieces 5
Modeling 3/5 3/5 means that I have THREE pieces. Each piece is 1/5. 1
Complete the number line Exit ticket: Complete the number line 1 2
Complete the number line 6 Count by ¾ on this number line until you reach 6.