Federal Grant Programs Conference May 30, 2018


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Presentation transcript:

Federal Grant Programs Conference May 30, 2018 Equity in ESSA: How to use the Student Learning Experience (SLE) Report Federal Grant Programs Conference May 30, 2018

Next steps and resources for equity strategies Contents 01 Report overview 02 Next steps and resources for equity strategies 03 Federal grants applications CONTENTS

Report overview Report overview 01

What is a “student learning experience”? Student learning experience = each time a student is assigned to a teacher

What is an equity gap? When students who are economically disadvantaged, students of color, English learners, or students with disabilities are at least 1.5 times as likely as their peers to be assigned to teachers who are inexperienced (<3 years) out-of-field rated Needs Improvement/Unsatisfactory

Why is the report important? Districts will report in federal grants application: Any district or school equity gaps Summary of how they will address the gaps Use the data to identify root causes of gaps in student outcomes  help close outcome gaps

How do we access the report? Summary report Detailed report

How do we interpret the report? 79 percent of the time, District A students were assigned to experienced teachers (3+ ye ELs are 1.61 times as likely as non-ELs to be assigned to a teacher rated NI/U

How do we interpret the report? We can also view equitable access data as a bar graph. These graphs compare across schools.

What else does the report show? The detailed report provides more filters, such as: Across-school comparisons Student level Grade level Specific racial/ethnic groups Student performance levels Combinations of student subgroups Class subject 1–5 years of data

Next steps and resources for equity strategies 02

Using additional data (including and beyond the SLE Report) What are the next steps? bit.ly/2KKT9G8 Using additional data (including and beyond the SLE Report) Asking self-assessment/stakeholder engagement questions to explore root causes Developing strategies Monitoring progress

What additional data would you want to see? What are the next steps? bit.ly/2KKT9G8 If you were in a district where economically disadvantaged students are more likely to have inexperienced teachers… What additional data would you want to see? What are some potential root causes? Which stakeholders would you want to involve in root cause analysis? What strategies might you use to address the gaps? How would you measure your strategies’ progress?

Federal grants applications 03

What about the federal grants application? Be sure to include all school and district equity gaps that appear in the SLE Report, for student groups’ assignment to: Inexperienced teachers Out-of-field teachers Teachers rated NI/U Summarize how you are addressing/will address gaps Some approaches may address multiple equity gaps One-pager on equity gap reporting and monitoring

Upcoming enhancements to the report Available next week: One-year summary report view Data for % of experiences with in-field teachers In detailed report, English learners’ % of experiences with core academic teachers who were SEI endorsed

Meagan Steiner, Center for Instructional Support Thank you THANK YOU Meagan Steiner, Center for Instructional Support 781-338-3242 msteiner@doe.mass.edu www.doe.mass.edu 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148