Nir Zaidman and Michael Tahar Bluetooth Counter Nir Zaidman and Michael Tahar
The project How can it be used How does it work Launchpad Features Main difficulties Scan Examples Course oriented Server assumptions The Flow
The Project Our project use the TI-CC2650 Launchpad in order to monitor Bluetooth devices nearby. We used the Launchpad in order to scan and count Bluetooth devices in the near area, at given time. This information is sent to our sever (by designated app in admin’s phone), and shown in form of a graph.
The Flow The Launchpad scans for nearby devices The app pulls the data from the Launchpad The app sends the data to the server
How can it be used We think this project can have many real-life uses: - Lecturer that wants to know how many students attended his class. - Store owner that wants to know what is the peak hour in the day, and what the distribution of people entered the store during the day. - Cultural institutions (i.e. museum) that wants to monitor the popularity of exhibits by measuring the number of people around it.
How can it be used - Public transportation – monitoring distribution of passengers in stations/buses in order to plan adjusted transportation. - Lines – follow lines behavior during given time. - People can use it to check if specific location is crowded. - CC2650 Launchpad accuracy report.
How does it work The Launchpad can scan for nearby Bluetooth devices by using its BLE technology. We made the Launchpad scan for all existing devices and to count them. The Launchpad saves the results and sends them to the smartphone via designated app we wrote (for android), that pulls the results and sends it to the server. The server analyze the data and present it in form of a graph.
How does it work - Launchpad The Launchpad scan for all the nearby devices. In order to get more accurate result, we scan several time (can be configured) and calculate the average result. The Launchpad also have a clock function that scans every specific amount of time (can be changed). The scanning starts by clicking the left button. This click activates the scan function.
How does it work - scan The Launchpad sends discovery request (by creating discovery message). This message is undirected (sent to everyone). Than, the Launchpad monitors all scan responses that arrives and count them. Every response have address and data. When the message arrives from new address and the data is response data, we add this devices to the count.
How does it work -server The server have one service that handles incoming HTTP GET, the service holds a list samples each sample represent one hour on a single date and it holds all the samples that were collected for this hour. there are two types of requests: 1. new sample - request from the app with new information from the sensor, the service adds the sample to the database (File). The service will add the new data to the correct sample in the list according to the date and hour. 2. presentation - creates an HTML page using CSS and JQUERY. The server was written using JAVA and JSP.
It’s not bug it’s a feature In order to get the best results, we added the following: - Apply number of scans in a row, and than take the average. This will decrease the statistic error. - Calculates the variance of the samples in order to evaluate the quality of the samples - Give the user option to configure the number of samples he wants to make. - The server can display data from various days.
Main difficulties - The main difficulty was to learn how the scan works. We had to use project zero and TI forums (we also posted some question there) to understand the syntax and what are the relevant function we need to use. - Another main difficulty was to develop the android app and the server that connects with the app and displays the result. - We noticed that in following scans we got different values (usually difference of 1), so we decided to decrease this error by making series of examples and take its average. This way we get more accurate results. In order to give the user the whole data, we also calculated the variance of the samples so the user could know the quality of the data.
Examples - configuration Here we can read the samples Here we can configure the amount of samples we want to do every scan
Examples – scan messages
Examples - results This is the variance
The server keeps the result and we can choose the wanted date Examples - results The server keeps the result and we can choose the wanted date
Examples - results date hour #samples
Assumptions/limitations - The number of measures in every scan will be lower than 240. - The maximum number of devices can be up to 254 (255 means end of results). - The project deals with Bluetooth devices – we assume that all the devices that heeds to be monitored have Bluetooth on. - The default scanning interval is 10 minutes.
Course oriented - We used the hardware that we used in class (cc2650 Launchpad by TI). - The project use the BLE option of the Launchpad that we learned about. We used the simple-link academy examples (and project zero) to understand the advertising and scanning messages that the Launchpad sends. - We used the app in order to configure the scanning arguments. - We implemented clock and button handler as we did in the 2nd exercise.