Curriculum Intent and implementation Parents Forum 23rd Jan 2019
Initial decisions based on the findings of the curriculum review Great teaching, great students should equal a positive progress 8 Missing ingredient is a great curriculum There is an opportunity to create a cohesive curriculum that makes sense to our students
The intent behind our curriculum is a curriculum that: Challenges all students to be the best that they can become Provide students with core knowledge required to be successful Develops students who are resilient, lifelong learners Is coherent and draws links between cross curricular themes Provides deep learning that accelerates our students understanding of the world around them Equips out students with ambition and aspirations so that they become happy and successful members of society Enables students have a range of qualifications that facilitate their next steps in their education and career
The intent behind our curriculum is a curriculum that: Is coherent and draws links between cross curricular themes Provides deep learning that accelerates our students understanding of the world around them Coherent – cohesive – student focused rather than teacher/subject focused 2 Key ways to make it all add up for students 1. Similar topics are taught at a similar time so students see the relations and they are able to apply in different context 2. Where the topics can not be moved to be joined up there is a clear understanding by the subject teacher what has been learned before and what to build on as opposed to teaching it again but in a different way causing confusion or students not drawing the links between different contexts.
1. Firstly, the move to a three year key stage 3 from September 2019 for students in the new year 7 and the current year 7
Three year key stage 3 There is a need to continue the work we have started with work bridging the cultural capital and knowledge gap that leads to disadvantaged students underachieving Current curriculum model with 3 year KS4 (270GLH) has double the guided learning hours recommended by reformed qualifications (120- 140GLH) yet Progress 8 remains negative When consulted, the majority of middle leaders expressed concerns over the maturity of students selecting KS4 options in year 8 Similarly middle leaders wanted to retain a broader curriculum for longer
Advantages of a 3 year KS3 Core knowledge can be developed leading to students being better equipped to study KS4 linear courses Greater experience and maturity of the subjects prior to making KS4 options Students retain a broader and balanced curriculum for an additional year which includes performing arts, visual arts, product design and catering. Continuation of the students development of cultural capital Greater preparation to ensure all students are GCSE ready Continue love of learning before commencing exam based courses. The majority of students drop subjects than can provide greater context to the subjects they choose at KS4 – For instance students choose History or Geography A two year KS4 with 3 periods per subject would provide 175 Guided learning hours (New specifications require between 110 and 140 guided learning hours). Current three year KS4 provides at least 270 guided learning hours and much more for Maths. Approved High value subject specifications approved 2 years before exam data. Therefore students start on an approved course rather than having to switch if a course is not approved.
2. No KS4 options for the current year 8. This year group will be a transitional year which will have an extended KS3 Students to re-opt for specialism options This year group will not have had the knowledge rich curriculum initiated in Year 7 and may have completed the old KS3 programmes of study RBM is working with middle leaders to review national curriculum content that did not fit into a two year KS3 Middle leaders to review what key knowledge these students will need to best prepare them to for the rigour of the new specifications and to make appropriate decisions for their KS4 options
3. Cohesive curriculum planning A collective intent behind our curriculum where we all contribute to the development of our students rather than teaching subjects in independent silos. A curriculum that makes sense to the students and connects the learning
4. Current Year 9 to continue with 3 year KS4 but with an amended curriculum which includes statutory PSHE/SRE lesson and Religious Education 5. Current Year 10 into 11 to continue as normal but with statutory addition of a PSHE/SRE lesson.
6. Changes to the format of Wednesdays Needed to facilitate broad and balanced curriculum for all Needed to comply with DFE guidance on PSHE/SRE and Religious Education Staff and parent consultation over the format of the school day
6. Changes to the format of Wednesdays Currently the 30th period is during Wednesday afternoon once the students have left. The time is used to increase CPD time to two hours per week in this slot. We will need to reintegrate this 30th period back into the teaching timetable to facilitate a broader curriculum, the statutory delivery of PSHE and increase the number of options available at KS4. CPD will still take place on Wednesday afternoons but at 3pm To facilitate this Wednesdays will become a normal school day (8.40am until 3pm) and follow the same format as Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with 6 periods, 4 in the morning and 2 after lunch.
The next steps In their revised framework OFSTED have placed great emphasis on the curriculum, its intent, implementation and impact. Their latest research shows a strong correlation between the schools where the there is a vibrant and cohesive curriculum and student outcomes. Our drive to develop our curriculum is timely and will be the key priority in school improvement. Our students deserve the very best learning experiences in the classroom but the foundations for this are found in a clear curriculum model and in cohesive, well planned subject curriculum map and schemes of work.
Parent feedback on the new curriculum Please send your thoughts and feedback to the email address By Wednesday 20th March 2019