2012 North Bighorn Sero-Positive Tests in Elk
Bald Mountain Bear Creek
North Bighorns Elk Herd Unit Sheridan Region responsible for Herd Unit and hunt areas east of Bighorn hydrographic divide (35, 36, 37 & 38). Cody Region responsible for Hunt Areas west of Bighorn hydrographic divide (39 & 40).
North Bighorns Elk Herd Cont. Population Objective: 4350 (post season) Trend Count : 5500 (post season) Calf productivity: 48 (Herd unit average) Hunting season structure: In 2012, ranged from Sept. 1 – Dec. 20. Proposing longer rifle seasons in 2013
Sub Objectives (3 year averages) HA 35/36 - 1,200 elk (1373) HA 37 – 800 elk (1207) HA 38 – 1,000 elk (1074) HA 39 – 500 elk (383) HA 40 – 850 elk (873)
Figure 10. Elk trend counts (blue bars), harvest (red line) and post season objective (green line) in North Bighorn Herd Unit.
Hall Sawyer Study One hundred and seven elk were collared to obtain movement and distribution information Study ran from 1993 – 1996 Tremendous amount of information collected Elk in HA 40 use numerous areas to winter
February-April Elk Distributions
May – June Elk Distributions
Garvin Basin Elk Study Prepared by Crow Tribe and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Completed in 2001 March 1998 through August 2000 Conventional and GPS Collars Five cow elk fitted with vaginal transmitters
Comingling Risks
Future Surveillance Continue monitoring around DSA Increased sample collections – Bighorn Mountain Hunt Areas Increased effort to document elk distribution information on and around Bighorns