What is a unit of measurement and how many can you name?
It’s easy to make your own unit of measurements in Minecraft just choose a number of blocks and give it a name.
This is my unit of measurement it is called a roku it is 6 blocks long This is my unit of measurement it is called a roku it is 6 blocks long. The red block marks off 1 roku.
Let’s measure the gap between the mountains with rokus.
The green block marks where the mountain ends.
The green block marks where the mountain ends The green block marks where the mountain ends. Here is a view from above
Now let’s mark ½ rokus with red glass Now let’s mark ½ rokus with red glass. If a roku is 6 blocks how long is a half roku?
Where is the green block how long is it exactly and how can I round that number? 4 rokus 3 rokus
The green block is sitting at 3 3/6 rokus which is the same thing a 3 ½ . If I round it it would be about 4 rokus. 4 rokus 3 rokus
Let’s try a new unit measurement. This is a “go” it is 5 blocks long.
About how many “gos” tall is this cliff.
It’s about 3 “gos” tall.
How tall is it exactly?
It’s 3 ⅖ “gos” tall
Unit measurements were invented to measure things. The Big Idea Unit measurements were invented to measure things. 4 rokus