Name the 5 basic needs of all organisms: Oxygen Food Water Living space Proper temperature
What is adapting? To change in order to make “fit” or suitable for an environment.
adaptation An ____________ is any body structure or behavior that helps an organism survive Two Types: structural & behavioral
Structural Adaptations: Physical characteristics that help an organism to survive.
Behavioral Adaptations: Activities performed by an organism to help it survive.
Camouflage ____________________ is an adaptation where an animal can hide by blending in with its surroundings.
Mimicry is an adaptation where one organism imitates another organism.
An instinct is a pattern of behavior that requires no thinking An instinct is a pattern of behavior that requires no thinking. Organisms know how to do this from birth.
Migration is an instinctive behavior in which some animals move from one place to another for a period of time.
Hibernation is an instinctive behavior in which some animals spend the winter in an inactive condition.
A learned behavior is a behavior that an animal learns through experience.
Is the adaptation structural (S) or behavioral (B)?
A polar bear’s fur STRUCTURAL
A bat eared fox’s big ears STRUCTURAL
Penguins huddling together to stay warm BEHAVIORAL
A moth’s eyespots on its wings STRUCTURAL
Xylem in plants (tube that carries water to top of plant) STRUCTURAL
Geese flying south for the winter BEHAVIORAL
A dormouse hibernating for the winter BEHAVIORAL
Birds having hollow bones STRUCTURAL
Jacana birds build floating nests BEHAVIORAL
A zebra’s stripes help it to hide STRUCTURAL
Sharp claws on a badger help it to dig STRUCTURAL
How do organisms survive when the ENVIRONMENT changes? As a population, they have to adapt …or else!
Natural Selection Over time, populations change naturally Gradual process No human involvement Beneficial traits- become more common Harmful traits- become less common (and eventually disappear)
Example: Forest trees have both orange and green beetles crawling on leaves. Birds flying over forest trees spot the orange beetles and eat them. The birds don’t eat the green beetles. Over time, orange beetles will eventually become extinct while the green beetles continue to survive and reproduce. Why didn’t the birds eat the green beetles? Which color trait was “beneficial” to have? Which color trait was “harmful” to have?
Selective Breeding Humans select specific organisms to breed together, in order to get certain “desirable” traits Humans control this process!!! Often done by a professional breeder Types of animals are known as breeds, while types of plants are known as varieties Examples?
Selective Breeding or Natural Selection …you decide! Cabbage Varieties Leafy Sea Dragon
Selective Breeding or Natural Selection …you decide! Bengal Cat Teosinte (Corn)
Selective Breeding or Natural Selection …you decide! Liger Puggle
Selective Breeding or Natural Selection …you decide! Zebra (stripes) Eyes that rotate in all directions
Selective Breeding or Natural Selection …you decide! Black and white moths Camouflaged Lizard
Selective Breeding or Natural Selection …you decide Leafy Sea Dragon SELECTIVE BREEDING NATURAL SELECTION Cabbage Varieties
Selective Breeding or Natural Selection …you decide Tesonite (Corn) Bengal Cat
Selective Breeding or Natural Selection …you decide Liger Puggle
Selective Breeding or Natural Selection …you decide Eyes that rotate in all directions zebra NATURAL SELECTION NATURAL SELECTION
Selective Breeding or Natural Selection …you decide! Black and white moths Camouflaged Lizard NATURAL SELECTION NATURAL SELECTION