VIP Student License Pack A new offering for higher education institutions | January 2019
New VIP Student License Pack Enables higher education institutions to purchase Creative Cloud All Apps for students at an attractive price point, supporting employability and their digital initiatives Enabling creativity for all
Student License Pack at-a-glance and more Student License Pack: US $189/student/year (min qty 250; available North America only) Creative Cloud for enterprise All Apps Named User license, with 50 GB storage Best VIP per-student pricing Access to Creative Cloud anytime, anywhere—classroom, lab, at home Personalized experience across every device Flexible license management—Creative Cloud for enterprise provides admins with user management functionality critical for large populations
Why the Student License Pack? Enables students to access the full power of Creative Cloud apps anytime, anywhere and delivers an improved license management experience, with greater functionality and deeper insights Access to Creative Cloud Apps & Services Improved License Management Creativity Without Boundaries Student access to the latest apps including Adobe XD and Adobe Premiere Rush, to create amazing work and build skills for the future Access to services, including storage and Portfolio, to let students showcase work in class and careers Flexibility for admins to assign licenses as needed, dramatically reducing the complexity of managing large deployments Admins can make more informed decisions around coverage With the Student License Pack, students get access to named user Creative Cloud for enterprise licenses, allowing them to access their apps wherever they live, study, work, and play
How does Creative Cloud support higher education? Adobe Creative Cloud apps and services empower students to think creatively and communicate with impact, so they can turn their classroom ideas into college and career opportunities. Help students build skills that attract employers With support and inspiration for educators Communicate with impact Creative Cloud helps students and faculty attract attention, reach their audience, and learn how to impact their world. Whether it is a faculty member communicating research, a student creating a documentary, or a class group compiling a rich, multimedia final project, Creative Cloud has the tools to support their stories. The jobs of the future are changing, and students expect their institution to give them a competitive edge. Students will have titles that don’t exist today, in industries that are just getting started. These jobs require creative thinking and problem solving skills—and hiring managers agree these skills set candidates apart. Creative Cloud includes apps like simple enough for students to begin creating immediately and advanced enough to enable budding professionals to realize their creative vision. Be part of and contribute to a passionate community of educators that will help you get started using Adobe Creative Cloud quickly. The Adobe Education Exchange connects you with like-minded educators around the globe. Share ideas and curricula that drive improved outcomes. Whether it's making a business proposal for a case study in marketing or a video story for journalism, you’ll find inspiration for any course on EdEx. Underlaying all these: Incorporating CC into institution can help attract prospective students
Adobe ID Enterprise ID Federated ID Authentication types There are three available identity types: Adobe Ids, Enterprise IDs and Federated IDs. Adobe IDs can be assigned to users in High Ed and Non-profit institutions. With Adobe ID’s there is little institution control and less administrative burden as the user is the owner of the account. With Enterprise or Federated IDs, users will sign in using emails associated with a claimed domain. The only difference between the two is that Federated ID’s will require an optional set up for Single Sign On – adding an extra layer of security for verification through your organization’s identity provider. Federated ID
User identity type comparison Password Storage Account Owned by Email Type Password Policy What does user need to do? Adobe ID Adobe User Any Accept invitation and create Adobe ID Enterprise ID Organization Configurable on Admin Console Create password for log-in Federated ID w/SSO SAML2 Organization Policy No action required Here’s a more detailed look at those identity types. You’ll need to make your decision regarding which one your organization will be using before you continue on with the identity set up. If you use Adobe IDs, identity set up is not necessary. Adobe ID is used by millions of individuals. This type of account has some challenges in that it is owned by the individual. The individual must create and manage their own password which means they have another password to remember. Operationally, these users are invited to create and join your organization. Adobe ID users also opt in /out on their own to receive Adobe marketing messages and communication. Adobe ID users also retain access to their files after they leave your organization. Enterprise ID is owned by your organization and managed by Adobe. These users do not receive marketing communications from Adobe unless they opt in. Most of our larger customers prefer to use Federated ID or Single Sign On. This way, users log-in using the same username and password used for the rest of your organization’s services. When these users leave your organization, access to the software stops working because they can no longer authenticate.