Chapter 1 highlights
Languages Many Visual C#
MSIL Microsoft Intermediate Language
Namespace A group of similar classes by category
Control Approximately 70 Textboxes Listboxes Radio Buttons Rich Controls – Calendars, etc.
XML Closing Tags <asdf /> <asdf></asdf> Perfect HTML
Objects Objects: Object Hierarchy A thing in object oriented programming Like a noun Object.xxxxxxxxxx Object Hierarchy MyBike.MyTire.MyRadius = 15 I really test heavily on understanding objects
Properties Properties: A characteristic of an object Object.Property Holds a value Adjective or Adverb
Methods Methods: Object.Method(parameter, parameter) What an object does Verb like Parameters are the info the Method needs Black Box: Put info in, get info out
Client / Server Model Always be aware that some of the processing is done by the server, and some by your client (pc, browser). Know which processing is being done by each
Viewstate May be turned off Holds all the info from forms
Partial Classes Classes may be made up of codebehind and presentation pages combined Codebehind page Presentation page “Layers” Also Data Layer
Autoeventwireup Allows IsPostBack and events That way subroutines will be naturally attached to events
Debugging Debug = “true” Trace.warn() Step through, over, into Hover over values