Welcome Parents Mr. Reynolds Room # 2309 Economics Micro – Macro Pearland High School Oilers Welcome Parents Mr. Reynolds Room # 2309 Economics Micro – Macro Insert your name, room number and your course name. Begin by welcoming the parents and communicating to them that this evening is for the dissemination of general information for your course. If they wish to schedule a one-on-one conference with you regarding their student, they may do so by contacting you via email/telephone and that contact information is provided for them on the upcoming slides.
Pearland High School Oilers To contact me… Email : reynoldsn@pearlandisd.org Insert your email address as well as your telephone number. Let them know that communicating with you via email is the most convenient and that all contact will be returned within 24 hours. Make sure to remind them that you need their contact information and their student name so that you can contact them as well. This information should be written on the sign-in sheet so they should all sign in.
Conference Period & Tutorials: Pearland High School Oilers Conference Period & Tutorials: Conference Period: 7th Tutorials: Oiler Hour (B) Mon – wed – Thurs Before School, 6:30 - 7:00 Wednesday Insert your conference periods and the times of those conference periods.
Class Expectations: Pearland High School Oilers Materials: Binder with dividers or Spiral/Notebook paper Testing Procedures Problem Sets (AP Only) Exam Day Corrections Late work – Everyday late 20% taken off. (0 after 2 days) Make up work - # of days absent = # of days to make up Technology Policies: Put it away while class is in session. If not, it goes in the crate. Insert the percentages for the grading policy in your class.
Grading: Homework, Quizzes, and Class Activities 40 % of grade Pearland High School Oilers Grading: Homework, Quizzes, and Class Activities 40 % of grade Tests and Problem Sets (AP) 60 % of grade Insert the percentages for the grading policy in your class.
Teacher Website: Pearland High School Oilers http://www.pearlandisd.org/Domain/ 1300 Syllabi downloads Helpful links Canvas – Problem set, Readings, Calendar, and notes Discuss additional information for your classes such as make-up work and late-work policies. Make sure the parents understand that ALL books must be covered and their student has been provided with book covers for each of their books. Address any additional questions. Make sure to redirect the parent to your conference period times and contact information if the parent attempts to get a one-on-one conference with you during open house.
It’s a pleasure to work with these amazing young adults! Pearland High School Oilers Thank You It’s a pleasure to work with these amazing young adults!