Layers of the Earth Quiz tomorrow Tuesday, April 09, 2019 B-Day Objective: YWBAT recognize and describe the Earth’s tectonic plates. Drill: What is Pangaea? Homework Layers of the Earth Quiz tomorrow Comic due tomorrow
Answer Pangaea is thought to have been the supercontinent that contained all of the separate continents that we have today.
Did you know…? By the time Alfred Wegener was 32, he had set a world record for balloon flight, earned a doctorate in astronomy, mad two meteorological expeditions to Greenland, and written the paper that was the main catalyst for the greatest geologic insight of the twentieth century.
Today’s Activities Drill Continents Adrift Conclusion
Closure If the Earth’s crust is growing at mid-ocean ridges, why doesn’t the Earth itself grow?
The Earth is not growing because the crust is part of the rock cycle. Closure Answer The Earth is not growing because the crust is part of the rock cycle.