EPAN eGovernment Working Group Irish Presidency Meeting 26th & 27th February Croke Park
Theme - Interoperability Based on WG’s Working Plan Themes, Mid Term Programme, EU Communication on eGovernment Critical underpinning of eGovernment and Public Service Modernisation Definition – “Ability of a system or process to share and use the information and/or functionality of another system or process.”
Preparation (1) “Discussion” paper on “National” Interoperability prepared using – information gathered from Interoperability projects in MS, the work of policies and programmes of the European Commission on Interoperability; expert input from a world renowned consultant in the field of Interoperability; and internal research projects and consultations. Paper sets out suggested principles and possible approaches to Interoperability in areas of technical, semantic and organisational interoperability as well as mechanisms for pan public service governance of these
Preparation (2) Paper presented to IPSG Group for information and observations because of interest in elements of it Sourced EU Commission Papers on European Interoperability Framework and Identity Management All documentation circulated to attendees two weeks in advance of meeting Accession Countries treated as full members for procedural purposes because of date of DG meeting
Attendees All 15 Member States 4 Accession Countries (with 2 apologies) EU Commission Interchange of Data between Administrations (IDA)
Agenda Thursday 26th Presentation of Presidency “Discussion” Paper on Interoperability followed by an open-floor discussion Presentation by IDA on European Interoperability Framework (EIF) & IDAbc proposal followed by an open-floor discussion
Agenda Thursday 26th Review of Group Working Plan and Terms of Reference (agreed during Italian Presidency) Presentation on Presidency framework for implementation of EPAN Evaluation and TFE Report (Implementation Framework)
Agenda Friday 27th Presentation by Malta on eGovernment Initiatives followed by discussion Presentation by Estonia on eGovernment Initiatives followed by discussion Presentation by Commission on MODINIS Identity Management proposal followed by discussion
Next Steps Assimilation of comments and submissions on all papers by mid March Recraft the Discussion Paper on Interoperability in light of observations received to make recommendations – hope to circulate by beginning of April Development of draft submission from WG to IDA on EIF - hope to circulate by beginning of April
Next Steps Submission of Working Group comments on Implementation Framework by next week Preparation of draft DG resolution seeking approval for – IDA submission; and Adoption of Interoperability recommendations where consensus is achieved (for circulation by early April)
22nd & 23rd April St. Patrick’s Hall, Dublin Castle Next Meeting 22nd & 23rd April St. Patrick’s Hall, Dublin Castle
April Agenda Proposal on Interoperability Submission to IDA on EIF Submission to Secretariat on Implementation Framework MODINIS Identity Management proposal Presentation by Cyprus on eGovernment Presentation by Latvia on eGovernment Information on June eGovernment Conference Overview of plan for Dutch Presidency DG Resolution
EPAN eGovernment Working Group