UCAS Conservatoires & Auditioning for a Conservatoire Dr John Cranmer Director of Music Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama John Fosbrook Head of Marketing and Communications Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance
Who are we?
UK Conservatoires Birmingham Conservatoire Leeds College of Music Royal Academy of Music Royal College of Music Royal Northern College of Music Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama *Guildhall School of Music & Drama *Conservatoire for Dance & Drama * = not in UCAS
What do we teach?
Performing Arts subjects Music (classical, jazz, traditional music, musical theatre, pop, opera, conducting, composition) Drama (acting, design, stage management) Dance (contemporary) Technical Courses (production) Arts Management
What courses are on offer?
Programmes of Study 1-year Access Programmes Undergraduate (BA / BMus) Masters (eg MA / MMus / MPerf / MFA) Other postgraduate (eg PGDip, Advanced Professional Diploma) MPhil / PhD
What’s different about a conservatoire?
Conservatoire training Vocational Practice-based Industry Models of training Approaches to Learning & Teaching Duration and range of programmes (4-year undergraduate music programmes)
The Conservatoire Experience 1-2-1 teaching with working professionals Masterclasses and workshops Performance opportunities Specialist facilities Close links with the profession Focus on the individual Building a network
What are the benefits?
Working Life in the arts 80% of graduates work in the performing arts For graduate employability, conservatoires represent 4 of the top 13 HEIs in the UK (DLHE)
Undergraduate Destinations (Music) Include the following: Postgraduate Studies in Music Orchestral and Band performance Opera Performance Freelancing Small ensemble performance Collaborative composition Peripatetic Teaching Arts and Artist Management Sound Studio / Technology Teacher Training (PGCE) Armed Services
Working Life out of the arts Gain transferrable skills Gain a degree Of 20% of graduates not in the performing, 2/3 are in managerial or equivalent positions (most in education)
Skills for Employment Working Independently Team working Presentation Communication Leadership Adaptability Tact & Diplomacy
How to Apply
UCAS Conservatoires Eight of the conservatoires use UCAS Conservatoires –to administrator applications to their Music courses. The Guildhall School of Music & Drama sits outside and takes applications directly. Royal Conservatoire of Scotland drama and dance applicants, Trinity Laban dance applicants and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama applicants for Acting and some postgraduate drama courses should also apply through UCAS Conservatoires. new website and rebrand from CUKAS to UCAS Conservatoires www.ucas.com/conservatoires.
UCAS Conservatoires (CUKAS) The Scheme was previously know as CUKAS (Conservatoires UK Application Service) In 2014 7,985 people applied to courses in the UCAS Conservatoire scheme: 5,235 - Undergraduate (UG) 2,860 – Postgraduate (PG) 2,202 were offered and acceptance a place at an institution within the scheme (1,095 - UG, 952 - PG) 3,965 applicants to the UG courses from the UK, 610 from EU, 660 from outside the EU 1,530 applicants to the PG courses from the UK, 465 from EU, 870 from outside the EU
Applications Dates & Fees Open : July On time deadline : Music: 1st October (18:00) for entry the following September Undergraduate Drama: 15th January (18:00) for entry in September Application deadlines for Drama and Dance postgraduate courses differ it’s best to check the individual Conservatoire websites. Conservatoires are often able to accept applications from international applicants after these deadlines, if there are vacancies on the course, so please contact the individual conservatoires concerned. Application Fee: £20 Applications open in the July and close on the 1st October for entry the following September. Applicants can apply to up to SIX conservatoires and FIVE universities. Each Conservatoire also charges an audition fee and this payment is made at the time of application.
TRACK Account Once an applicant has completed the application form, they will have their own personal TRACK account. A TRACK account enables applicants to: Follow the progress of their application View details of any auditions they have been invited to Change postal address, email address and/or telephone number Make additional choices Reply to offers Withdraw an application
The Audition Process: Music What to prepare for an audition What happens at the audition? What about composers? How candidates are selected Personal statements & references Offers & entry requirements (incl. IELTS) Scholarships The Audition Process: Drama & Dance