“A Prophet Speaks to U.S.!” Selected Passages from Isaiah 5
Isaiah’s intense and uncompromising ways received little if any applause. He was never voted one of the “Ten Most Popular Christian Leaders” of his day.
Indeed, they honored God with their lips, but their hearts were far from Him (Isaiah 29:13)
Purpose: to see how God wants to use His people to lift the deceptive mask of America
I The Matter of Materialism
Isaiah 5:8 “Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, until there is no more room, so that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!”
I The Matter of Materialism A. Israel was Moved and Motivated
Israel had become restless, discontent… their heart’s attitude could be described in one word – MORE!...
I The Matter of Materialism A. Israel was Moved and Motivated B. America is Moved and Motivated
Like Israel of old, America seems to be motivated more and more by MORE!
We must demonstrate that seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness first will result in NEVER lacking in anything!
II The Propaganda of Pleasure A. Isaiah 5:11-12
Nothing is sapping more vitality and power from the life of our nation, and God’s people than the pursuit of pleasure…
II The Propaganda of Pleasure A. Isaiah 5:11-12 B. Isaiah 5:18
The picture here is one of open rebellion. Israel had no sense of shame. They didn’t even hide their sin… Like another prophet said of Israel (Jeremiah 6:15; 8:12) “…they didn’t know how to blush.”
III The Blunder of Boastfulness A. Isaiah 5:20
…resulted in their finding satisfaction things God hated…
III The Blunder of Boastfulness A. Isaiah 5:20 B. Isaiah 5:21
“Madam, God Himself could not sink this ship “Madam, God Himself could not sink this ship.” (steward on the Titanic)
As God used Isaiah to peel back the mask, the Church of our Lord must be used of God to peel back the mask of U.S. …
Conclusion/Summary: 1. RETURN to God’s Word (1:10) 2. REPENT turn back to God (1:16) 3. RESTORE God as King (1:19)