Welcome to Year 6
Staff in Year 6 are... Teachers: Mrs Bham, & Mr Lavery PPA Cover: Mrs Basar, Mrs Kola & Miss Gora ETA: Mrs Hossain Khaleed
Overview of the year
School trips funding It would be greatly appreciated if money for school trips could be provided to the school as soon as possible. We will need £30 per child – this will cover all six of our trips throughout the year. Thanks for your cooperation.
Overview of trips
Our Targets for Year 6 Increase the percentage of children achieving Gold in reading Improve the achievement of FSM children Target for 85% combined for RWM and SPaG
Christmas Carol 11 December 2018 Leave for 5 Based on Scrooge Linked to literacy & Creative Leeds Theatre
The tests are carried out in familiar surroundings with as much sensitivity as it is possible. Everything will be done to help your child feel at ease and to allow them to give their best.
Booster Classes Time- 8.10 -8.40 Tuesday – Maths Wednesday- SPAG Thursday- Reading Free breakfast
Behaviour/ Expectations Attitude to learning Class Rules Behaviour Strategies Good to be Green House Points IIP-Class Target, Personal Targets Disciplinary Procedures
Get Kitted Out Uniform- PE Kit- Black/ Navy bottoms, T-shirt according to House Colours and pumps Stationery- We provide
After-school club If your child is participating in one of our after- school clubs, it is expected that he/she will be picked up from school after the session has ended.
Attendance Holiday Dates We must aim to keep our attendance above 97%
Homework Homework handed out on Friday( Spelling/ Arithmetic ) Handed back on Tuesday Reading – two books (1 x free choice/ 1 x banded) Reading record- Parent must comment
Pupil’s Work and Progress Base line test in September Assessment- Mock test in December, March, and Final May SATs and TA
Supporting your child • The biggest single influence on your child’s SAT marks will be their reading ability. Good readers can read questions quickly, and understand what they need to do. Continue to encourage your child to read every day, looking at both stories and non-fiction. • To help your child prepare for SATs use the websites listed below.: www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/revision/index.html (general revision) www.cgpbooks.co.uk/online_rev/ks2choice.asp (interactive revision activities) www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/ (science, literacy, numeracy) www.legend.yorks.com/~calverms/contents.htm (maths tutor) www.scienceyear.com/wired/start www.coxhoe.durham.sch.uk/curriculum/curriculum.htm
Home-School Partnership Meeting with parents Helping in school Reports Reading books Workshops ( Maths/ Reading/ SPAG)