How are participants in the edonis project dealing with new relationships, data, and spaces arising from their Personal Learning Network? David Noble, Chartered Teacher and EdD student (2nd Year) School of Education, University of Edinburgh edonis project The edonis project An emerging issue and central category … Grounded Theory methodology I have analysed three edonis interviews using a Grounded Theory methodology, aiming to develop an analytical framework around how people deal with their personal learning network (PLN). Implications of this approach: Constant comparison with data from other contexts constant movement between data and categories code only talk from each of the three interviews use memo-writing and line-by-line coding identifying a common issue around which concepts emerge recognise preconceptions. A common issue is one’s personal learning network. I interpreted that each is wrestling with the what, why, when, where, how, and with whom around these new relationships, spaces, and forms of data. I set-up the edonis project in October 2008. My intention was to generate interest around future doctoral research into how learning professionals are using the social web for professional development. One hundred and twenty-five educators signed-up to participate, with 85% joining the Ning online network. This gives them access to: each other, the latest blog posts from many participants, and edited interviews. Initially, pilot surveys were issued monthly. This has enabled me to sensitise myself around participants’: Uses of the social web online professional development learning networks historic and projected use of ICT use. Conducting interviews using new technologies Key online spaces I considered that: Participants would require a reason to continue to engage with or visit the edonis Ning website, and a high number of participants were interested in being interviewed. Therefore, the edited interviews are made available on the website and are a potential source of CPD to educators. Interviews are conducted via ‘voice over internet protocol’ (VoIP) and follow these steps: Interviewees complete an online survey in preparation we discuss the focus of the interview via email I conduct the interview using Skype and Pamela call recorder the interview is edited using Audacity the mp3 file is uploaded to a private webspace for review permission to broadcast is given and the edited interview is published online. … subcategories, properties and dimensions The following websites encourage: participation in the research, constructivist activity, innovative data collection, and open access to the research process and certain data. The project’s social network which also features regular updates A blog to which I post essays from my EdD taught-phase and reflections on the ‘preparation for thesis’ stage Booruch is the podcast channel where I have posted my education reflections for the past four years. All edited research interviews are hosted here A new space that I have created with John Johnston. It enables the posting of audio using mobile devices and could be a key method of data collection. Contact information