Jr/Sr High School
Graduation Requirements Credits = 25.0 minimum (25.5 Class 2023) 4 (each) Math/English/Social Studies 3 Science Driver ed (.25)/Wellness (.25)/Assessment Prep (.5) Phys. Ed (1.5) Computer Apps ( .5 credit) 1 technology 5.0 electives Video production grade 9 (.5) ( starts class 2023) Graduation Project (won’t show until final report) (1.0)
Scheduling Topics New Courses 2019-20 Course Criteria Waiver Policy Intro to Video Production Computer Science I Anatomy & Physiology Physical Education changes Course Criteria Waiver Policy In the event that a student does not meet the criteria for selection for a course which they have chosen, the following may occur: A. The student’s parent/guardian will be asked to inform the building principal, in writing, of their request and will be required to submit the signed Course Criteria Waiver Consent form. B. The student may be placed in the requested course for the entire school year with the expectation and understanding that the student will complete the course, regardless of the obtained grade. Schedule Changes- up to May 15, 2019- please adhere to this deadline. No summer changes. Schedule wisely.
Graduation Project Requirements Career plan Correct Number of Artifacts each year Business Industry Indicator 2 job shadows due BEFORE senior year 12 hours Community Service Resume/Autobiographical Exit paper Exit Interview- Senior Year What to do about missing components __________________________________________ Keystone Exams Biology, Algebra, Literature-remediation for Algebra
Career Readiness State regulation requires career & work components for students to have prior to graduation Artifacts- Meaningful documentation pieces that reflect students’ knowledge of the 4 Career Education & Work Standards and how those relate to their career plan. Each grade band has a set number required to complete and NTSD is helping students to achieve these artifacts within the classroom. Business Industry Indicator (one of the following) Industry Recognized Credential (CPR, First Aid, Lifeguarding.. NTSD is trying to gather some options for students 60 hours community service with documentation of reflection 3 job shadow experiences ( each 3 hours minimum)
Questions/Comments Sign up for Guidance Remind App Text this number 81010 Class 2020 @76g7he Class 2021 @efe4h4 Class 2022 @76f7c7 Class 2023 @2kaa7e Website www.ntsd.org to view Program of Studies ****American Scholar Program- host a student & get $$ to host them for the year. Similar to Exchange Student Program BUT IT IS NOT Contact Dr. Meehan or Mrs. DeVincentis for more information