Topic Plan- Year Two - Spring Term ‘The Victorians’ Teachers-Miss Mackney & Mrs Anderson Art Starry night by Vincent Van Gogh Printing Observational drawings William Morris designs History – The Victorians Significant historical people – Florence Nightingale, Queen Victoria. Chronology and timeline of events and inventions. Similarities and differences in ways of life. Key events- Edith Cavell and Prince Albert’s Great Exhibition. Literacy Recount writing Imaginative diary writing Letter writing Poetry Grammar (past / present tense, progressive verbs question marks, full stops, commas, apostrophes, exclamation marks) Numeracy Multiplication and division Measurement: Length Measurement: Mass Measurement: Temperature Statistics Money Properties of 2D and 3D shapes Fractions DT Making Victorian Style winding mechanism toys. Music Leaning to play ocarinas Singing Core Learning Skills & PSHE Improving in learning and Performance. Understanding how we learn. Improving our methods of learning. I.C.T. Programming Technology in the home Experiences. Victorian School Day experience Visit to Peterborough Museum Class Assembly R.E. Understanding Christianity- What is the good news Jesus brings? Who do Christians say Jesus was? A great leader and teacher? P.E./ Games Real PE- Creative Cog Dribbling, kicking and hitting Victorian drill practise Class Reader WigglesBottom Primary (The Magic Hamster) How to help at home: Spelling New spellings set on Friday. Tests on Friday. Learning Log Learning logs set every fortnight on Friday. Due in on Friday. Reading Please read with your child every day and record in their reading records. Maths Maths homework set every fortnight on Friday. Due in on Friday. PE PE lessons on are on: Outdoor-Thursday Indoor- Tuesday