FUTURE PLANS NSF site visit October 19, 2015 Salil Vadhan Supported by the NSF Secure & Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program, the Sloan Foundation, and Google.
Take-Aways on Past Work Collaboration across disciplinary boundaries Student engagement in cross-disciplinary work Outreach and knowledge transfer to social science, law, policy, public Progress towards deployment in Dataverse, impact on social science practice Deep theoretical work
Future Plans Complete exciting research threads that have emerged. Write & present scholarly papers conveying what we have learned to a variety of research communities. Transition to Practice.
Some Exciting Research Threads Differential Privacy Linear regression & causal inference. Adaptive choices of parameters. Controlling false discovery in adaptive data analysis. Formalizing privacy law Logic programming Application to automated and modular license generation. Expansion/application of privacy analysis framework Common Rule Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Some papers to be written/completed Pedagogical document for lay social scientists Bridging Law & CS notions of privacy Systems paper on differentially private curator. Social science methods paper on differential privacy. What is “reproducibility”? Who is a “researcher”? Collection of legal memos produced by Berkman interns. Study of contractual approaches to data sharing. Differentially private goodness-of-fit and independence testing. And many more that cannot be predicted!
Transition to Practice 2015-16: Many prototypes. Some operational tools. 2016-17 (subject to funding): Many operational tools. Evaluation, refinement, and extensibility. More prototypes based on theoretical advances. To be presented by Merce Crosas.