Guidances for the Programme of Measures (PoM) Kerry Agustsson Finnmark River Basin District Authority Finnmark County Authority
Guidance material National guidance Seminar 10th-11th April Focus on local and regional processes Available at
Norwegian Water Directive § 23 of the Norwegian Water Regulation states that work carried out within a particular Water basin should be developed with the aim of being part of the regional work with POM Sectorial authorities are responsible for their contribution by suggesting suitable measures within their areas of responsibility and participating in the local processes PL coordinates local work, sectorial authorities have a responsibility and a duty to participate
New guidances - summary Costs Cost-efficiency Present value Assess cost-benefit Assess effects of measures Standardised results Focus on processes – local and regional Overview of measures – contributions from sectorial authorities Desired result: overview of measures ranked in priority The most demanding part of the local PoMs is an assessment of costs and effects of the suggested measures, as this has consequences for the precedency of the measures in the final regional PoM. Precedency should reflect cost-efficiency, which is again connected to the level and type of pressures in the area/water bodies. The level of detail in the rapport of the measures from the sector authorities also depends on the latter, and economic details may be difficult to achieve. Results must be standardised – lesson from 1st period – comparability, report to EU. Set template to be completed. Process is in focus – in which order the processs is organised (who is involved at which stage, etc.) Overview – tiltaksbiblioteket (will show later)
Local process (1) Project managers must involve sector authorities Review of water bodies and pressures – objective is that the characterisation and assessment of the water bodies is based on a sufficiently thorough scientific basis GAP-analysis Sector authorities participates early on by contributing to the overview of measures (library) – sets the baseline for which measures may be requested by water districts Must ensure thorough process with considerable emphasis on participation and consultation PM must secure consensus regarding which w.b. and pressures they will request reports on measures. This also involves the County Governor Vis tiltaksbibliotek
Local prosess (2) Time schedule and details of process are decided regionally by River Basin District Board E.g.: Finnmark – Nordland After Project managers receive rapport of measures from sector authorities there is another level of local process: Involve municipalities in giving precedence to measures Involve local interest organisations Possible public hearing Must secure consensus in local Water District Board All local PoMs must be delivered to the River Basin District Authority by 1st December Regional programme must achieve consensus in RBDB Finnmark: 1.april: Water districts deliver their requests to River Basin District Authority (VRM). All request are coordinated through VRM in Finnmark, due to the lack of project managers in many Water Districts, and in addition to simplify the request for the sector authorities: may will receive general requests for the whole Finnmar River Basin District. This makes their contribution easier, and gives the VRM the opportunity to run a simplified process in those water districts that lack a project manager. Nordland: Water District Board is often composed of sector auth., political/administrative rep. from municipalities and local interest org. Local PoMs are thus input to the regional programme – there may yet be changes. VRM must produce a regional programme based on this input which must be accepted in the River Basin District Board – there may be changes in precedence. It is after all the sector authority which will implement the measures in the programme
Content Template provided by national authorities Content (detailed list available in guidance manual) Detailed information on measures Costs, effect, cost-benefit asssesment, cost-efficiency Corresponding laws and regulations Summary of costs Process of identifying HMWB Within the template there are varying levels of detail – depends on RBD and which pressures and information is available All information to be made available at Basic information + Group of measures, specific meaure, effect, costs, risk, cost-efficiency, pollutor and/or responsible sector authority, precedence preferred by sector authority, and commentary. Must also summarise cost information for entire water district – may be difficult to assess costs before implementation or before responsible pollutor recieves request. Many measures are general for entire region/country, e.g. preventive measures for escaped farmed fish is a national measure – how to split costs? May measures are also previously incorporated in budgets – how to seperate? Vis Oppsummeringstabell? In addition an overview of the PoM from the previous period with updates on progress. Show vann-nett? PoM-part not yet available. Explain that this is new for us.. PM must fill out info. Everything will be linked to the individual water bodies. Link to overview.
Challenges (1) Organisation Level of detail Local participation (municipalities), International participation Effect on content of PoM, legitimacy How to organise process at local level in terms of working at a water-body-level: include sectorial authorities Level of detail Costs: Investment and maintenance, present value, cost-efficiency and cost-benefit evaluations: cost and pollution inventories How to identify costs in water bodies with several complex pressures Effect Content will vary according to presssure/measure/sector Finnmark RBD: low level of participation in municipalitites – challenge for future of water management as municipalities are supposed to assume full control and responsibility. Especially for measures in wastewater: massive pressure in Finnmark, unknown costs (assumed to be large), politically challenging. How to solve? How to organise work: go through water bodies, organise geographically, by theme? Many small water districts – very demanding for sector authorities. This is also one of the reasons Finnmark RBD organises the requests through the RBD authority. This depends on the RBD and the complexity of the pressures identified How to work with Finland – different levels of organisation Nordland RBD: Detail: Inventories must be suplied by sector authority, guidelines available although some challenges remain Effects difficult to assess previous to implementation – makes precedence complicated
Challenges (2) Exemptions Priorities Technical limitations, large costs, natural conditions Must be thoroughly explained Less stringent objectives should be used as a last resort Must follow national guidelines Lack of good methods to implement measures should be emphasised Priorities Local and regional process important for sense of ownership Thorough discussion and communication essential for consensus Precedence – downgrading Political interests: local, regional, national Lack of methods – cannot request report of measures if we lack methods or if pressures are not identified – must be lifted to national level Ownership important to secure implementation – it is after all the sector which will implement the PoM Precedence: Waterbodies at risk, largest waterbodies, biggest challenges, most cost-efficient measures, easiest to acheive opposite is downgraded Politics is a part of the way water management is organised in Norway: local processes. May potential conflicts of interest according to water uses. Sectors also have their own political agendas which are reflected in their measures – this will be apparent in the overview of measures (tiltaksbiblioteket) Precedence: There will also be precedence according to water body, area, pressure, and sector authority
Conclusion (1) The better the local process is – the better the regional programme will be Communication and participation are key elements More cost-efficient Realistic and practical (financially) Supported by sector authorities means actual improvement in water quality Process and planning: complex structure, many interests involved Tight schedule for completion Comm and part. very complex structure, many interests.
Conclusion (2) Main focus on: costs to society, effects and benefits of measures, largest improvement per cost, budgetary considerations, which measures have to be implemented early in order to see an effect by 2021? Close cooperation with bordering countries to achieve collaboration in common measures Organisation, level of detail, exemptions. Etc. Consensus on priority of measures Political interests Local vs. Regional vs. National interests Must aim to be better than 1st period!! Challenge: time schedules Precedence: There will also be precedence according to water body, area, pressure, and sector authority.
Thank you for your attention!