Greetings CHILD Center Parents! Wow what a winter we have had! Hopefully this cold will go away soon so we can enjoy Spring! When the nicer weather does FINALLY get here we will be going outside more. Please remember that even though it may be nice out in the afternoons, mornings can still be chilly. Coats/sweaters are requested for your child for the spring season. April 7 th -11 th is Week of the Young Child. To celebrate this year, we are having a spirit week! The children will have dress-up day themes and special activities throughout the week. We are soooooo excited! Just a reminder to parents that if your child is going to be here earlier than normal to PLEASE call the daycare to let us know so we can staff according. Ladybug graduation is planned for Friday, May 9 th, here at 10 am. Parents and grandparents are welcome to come and celebrate!! As always, we are looking forward to an awesome Spring season! A Few Reminders: * There is NO smoking on or around daycare property. We are a smoke free campus, Thank You! *Please be sure you are clocking your children in and out everyday. *Please do not let your children ring the door bell if you know the front door code. *We still need some shot records from you! Please bring them in if you have not already. *If your child is a drop-in please call before dropping them off to ensure that we have room for them! *The handicap parking spot is for handicap persons only. Violators could be towed! *Unless your school is not in session, school agers are not allowed at daycare during the day. We have had issues in the past where we have sick school agers coming to daycare. If they are too sick for school, they are too sick for daycare. Thanks for your understanding. Parents, please do not allow your child to bring toys from home. We cannot be responsible for lost or broken toys. This includes silly bands, DSs or PSPs, iPads, and Cell phones! Thank You. PARENTS: Please talk to your child about going straight to the vans after school. Each van driver has to go to 2 schools, so the children must come directly to the van as soon as school dismisses. If your child is left because they did not come to the vans immediately it will be your responsibility to go pick them up. We do not have the staff to be making multiple trips back to the schools. -If you do not need us to pick up your children please call by or before 2 o'clock as our bus drivers leave between 2 and 2:15. Please be checking your child(ren)s cubby/mailbox for daily sheets and art projects/misc. papers during the week. If they are left over the weekend they will be thrown away the next Monday. ~ Medication Logs are available in your child's room or hanging in the parent communication board by the time in clock. They must be filled out for any medication that will be given to your child. Note: We CANNOT give more than the recommended dose to children without a doctors note stating that it is ok. Spring Parent Newsletter ANY QUESTIONS, COMMENTS OR CONCERNS PLEASE SEE SOMEONE IN THE OFFICE Breakfast is done being served at 8:30 am every morning. If your child has not eaten and they are here after 8:30 am, it is your responsibility to feed them. Lunch is at approximately 11:00 am until 12:00 pm. If you plan on bringing your child in AFTER 10:30 am, please call to inform us we so we can have correct lunch counts and enough lunch made. Thanks!
~Reminder that all payments are due weekly or bi-weekly. Please see someone in the office if you need to set up a payment plan.~~ Please return your Food Program paperwork to us immediately. Please make sure all the information is current. We need this paperwork for our licensing. Thank you!!! We have recently had some parents ask, YES, The CHILD Center always accepts donations. (Whether it is clothes, DVD's, games, book, etc.) We are looking for some willing parents to fill out a review on! Parents that do will get a $10 gift card to your choice of McDonalds, Burger King, or Subway. Dont miss out!! There are only limited numbers of each gift card left! If you participate in your employers pre-tax cafeteria plan, dont forget to get a receipt from the office upon payment to turn into your employer for reimbursement. Like us on Facebook! *The CHILD Center will be closed on Monday, May 26 th for Memorial Day. Dont forget to sign your child up for school age summer care! Sign up sheet will be hanging on the office door starting Monday, April 14th ! We are looking for some Ladybug Parent volunteers to come with the Ladybugs to the Circus on Thursday April 24 th ! Please talk to Jen or Haily for more info. Thanks! A friendly Reminder: The CHILD Center is a Peanut/Nut free building. There are a few children in the Center that have a mild to severe life-threatening allergy to nuts; including peanuts, peanut butter, pecans, walnuts, nut oils (i.e. peanut oil), etc. Touching these items, as well as ingestion, may provoke this reaction. For the safety of these children we are instituting some restrictions in the classrooms. We ask that parents do not allow their children to bring any peanut butter/peanut items into the daycare for the safety of their classmates. Also, we are asking parents to be conscientious in the selection of birthday treats that their children bring to the Center in an attempt to limit the chances of these children being exposed to nuts. No peanut butter or nuts of any kind will be served to any of the children at any time while in our care at The CHILD Center. Thank you for your understanding with this implementation Parents, please make sure that if you bring diapers, wipes, new sippy cups, etc. that they are labeled with the childs name so they dont get lost or mixed up with another childs items. If your child is walking please have them wear or bring shoes to daycare. Thank You! When your child gets their shots updated at the doctor dont forget to send, fax, or bring in a copy of their updated immunization record for daycare files.