Working with Schools and Libraries Training 4/8/2019
We have access to all 1800+ Usborne and Kane/Miller titles. 4/8/2019
Usborne library bound books are no longer sold to any jobbers. All but 3 Kane/Miller titles are no longer sold to jobbers. Those 3 titles are Everyone Poops, Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge, The Gas We Pass 4/8/2019
Become an Educational Consultant (EC) Order your EC kit through OrderPro or Business Supply store Tell your supervisor Read EC manual, attend group trainings Sign the code of ethics Fax, email scan, or mail back the signed code of ethics Sign up for the EC email training campaign – log into your MY UBAM page, go to training, training campaigns, educational consultants campaign 4/8/2019
I’m an EC, now what? 4/8/2019
Make Appointments Look for schools in your area that are not listed Use the ‘Educational Services’ link on your “My UBAM” page to look up listed schools 4/8/2019
Maintain an Ethical Manner Pass leads on to the listing Consultant What to say… “I am already representing 7 other schools but I know your representative and they will take good care of you” (Thanks Tabatha Roach) Don’t approach schools that are listed What goes around comes around 4/8/2019
Get to know the school or library system Find names of the Media Spec. Principal, Asst. Principals, Curriculum Coordinator, Reading Specialist & Dept. heads etc. (use school/district websites) Ask for abbreviation meanings of faculty positions (e.g. EIP, CST) Ask for referrals Find out about vendor policies, if any 4/8/2019
Call to set up appointments Find out names beforehand- use websites for school and district, or call and ask receptionist Words to use on the call…”I’d love to stop in and show you our books to see if they meet the needs of your students”, “I’d like to introduce you to the titles and create a wish list so when you do have money then you’ll think of us” – words need to be quick and to the point Offer choice of two specific times to meet, like scheduling a Home Show Is she looking for specific subjects or deweys now? Fiction or non-fiction 4/8/2019
Listing a school Log into your MY UBAM page Go to the “Educational Services” link Go to “S/L List Form” & complete online You may list up to 7 schools You must keep minimum $350 net every 3 months to keep your schools listed. You must post at least $200 in net sales annually to each listed schools to keep them Refer to the EC manual for sales requirements to list more schools 4/8/2019
I have an appointment ! Now what ? 4/8/2019
Be Professional Dress appropriately You are not just a ‘Stay at Home Mom’ doing this – this is your job You are a salesperson Be on time 4/8/2019
What to take… Take catalog for you and the media specialist Take extra catalogs – for anyone that might pop in during your meeting Sharpie pen Notebook for notes & wish list Bring books appropriate for the level Ask beforehand if she is looking for particular items – bring those books Calculator log in information Informational flyers for LFL, RFTS, C365, Secondary and BF 4/8/2019
What to do during your visit Smile, relax and be friendly! She’s a book lover! Go through the catalog from the beginning (start from the back if it is a Middle or High School) Listen more than talk, let them drive the pace and allow them time to look and ask ?’s Use sharpie to make wish list in catalog Show samples Emphasize the series not just the book Point out previously purchased books – does she want duplicate copies? (If there was a past purchase – note those books in the catalog before you arrive) 4/8/2019
Ask how the school orders Do they use online ordering? Do they send their purchase request to the Principal or county or both for approval? Do the titles need to be approved by a local school committee – possibly other teachers, parents and administration? How long will that process take? You aren’t supposed to know all this already- be sure to ask them the procedure 4/8/2019
Online Ordering 4/8/2019 website Ideas to share with schools/libraries: Schools have web based ordering Committees/administrators can log-in and approve orders before submitted Organizations can use credit cards and POs Organizations can have multiple accounts 4/8/2019
How to set up accounts for To set up the log in information on your accounts… go to “Web Sales Admin” and then “S&L Acct Management” You will set up an “account” for your listed schools Click “setup” next to the school name Choose a discount and submit (no discount recommended) Go back to the “S&L Account Management” link and click on it Scroll down to the bottom of the page and set up your “Log-in” information for your school/library’s website 4/8/2019
Discounts… 3 Options Don’t always offer it Offer a discount to get an initial sale or to encourage ordering - if necessary Set a higher minimum to earn discount You can set up a discount code for online ordering when you set up your school accounts 3 Options Option 1 in OrderPro is Full Retail Earn 25% commission Option 2 in OrderPro is 20% off Earn 17% commission Option 3 in OrderPro is Free Shipping Earn 20% commission 4/8/2019
Ask how the school pays for purchases School credit card? Grant money? Local school purchase order? County purchase order? Purchase Order (PO) is basically a promise to pay for the order after it arrives. 4/8/2019
Ask for leads Within the school – grade level representatives, reading specialists, science specialist, foreign language, ESOL, special needs, PTA programs Other schools – media specialists are a close knit group 4/8/2019
Other services we offer Books for classrooms Book Fairs Reach For The Stars Booths at festivals/PTA nights Literacy for a Lifetime Leveled Book Rooms Leveling – AR, Reading Counts, Lexile and Fountas/Pinnell 4/8/2019
Do they want processing? 4/8/2019
What is Processing? Barcodes Spine Labels Data Disk with Records (Title, author, Dewey Decimal for each book) Book pockets, card cataloging 4/8/2019
Attached vs. Unattached Processing 4/8/2019
Attached Processing Books wait at home office for processing to arrive from MediaLog – then H.O. attaches and ships to the school Titles may go OS or even OP while waiting for the processing Normally takes 3-4 weeks before the books ship – therefore 3-4 weeks before you get your sales credit 4/8/2019
Unattached Processing Books usually ship 24-48 hours from receipt of your order. MediaLog ships processing separately to school in 2-4 weeks. Invoice includes books & processing. The books will arrive before the processing! They will receive processing on titles that go OS. You receive sales credit when the books are shipped. 4/8/2019
Organizing your S&L Info. Keep a folder for each school Keep up with past sales – using OrderPro and/or past electronic invoices Notebook for leads - take lots of notes Binder of information from S&L site Dewey numbers & copyright dates Top 50 sellers, etc. Leveling 4/8/2019
Customer Service is key! Ask when is the best time to call or drop off their order. Don’t wait for them to call you – they are busy. It’s your job to call them. Visit with them at least twice a year. Work the whole school… 4/8/2019
Remember… Ask who else in the school would benefit from Usborne and Kane/Miller books? *Special Needs *Foreign Language *Leveled Book Room *Science Specialist *Head Start *Reading Specialist *Gifted *PTA Ask for abbreviation meanings of faculty positions Ask for referrals 4/8/2019
Teacher Lounge Setups Can coordinate through school receptionist, or Media Specialist Ask to put an invitation in each mailbox Set up as early as you can, be there when teachers arrive Meet everyone you can, set appts, sell and take orders/PO’s on the spot Stay the day or the morning, leave books overnight if okay with everyone. Post the hours you’ll be around on the door. 4/8/2019
Other Ideas Educator Open House 4/8/2019
Holiday Gifts 4/8/2019
S&L Highlights Become an Educational Consultant Check Listings & Make Appointments Keep a professional image, you are UBAM Find out ordering/payment procedures Get exact specs for processing Ask for leads in the school Provide impeccable Customer Service 4/8/2019