OPTIONS 1. Joining the Westside Soccer Club, currently being considered by Kerrisdale Soccer Club, Dunbar Soccer Association and Point Grey Soccer Club. 2. Forming an East/Central Club with Grandview Legion Soccer Club and Vancouver Girls Soccer Association, and possibly other interested parties, yet to be confirmed. 3. Remaining as an independent club
DPSC N UMBERS (2010/11) HOUSE (Under 10s): 415 players U11 and U12: 142 players DIVISIONAL (U13 and up): 185 players TOTAL: 742 (254 Girls, 488 Boys)
THE CASE FOR MERGING Larger pool of players to allow all to play at the appropriate level. More opportunity to keep recreational level (bronze) players playing Efficiencies of scale; purchasing and advocacy
THE CASE AGAINST MERGING Loss or dilution of current club identity Further travel to home games/practices may be required
THE PROPOSED ROADMAP Create a new Association Retain House play locally, but under the umbrella of the new Association Harmonize budgeting, coach and player development, fees etc. Transitional Board of Directors with members from each of the member clubs
THE TIMELINE As team formation for the 2011/12 season is almost upon us (March/April 2011, for Divisional teams), formal amalgamation is likely to be for the 2012/13 season. We may be able to consider other forms of collaboration in the interim, e.g.: 1) Ad hoc combined teams from 2 or more clubs 2) More formal joint assessments
H OUSE S ET -U P Functionally, House (U10 and under) play will remain more or less unchanged. These children will continue to play locally, and in a Douglas Park uniform; as a chapter of the larger organization
D IVISIONAL S ETUP Divisional teams (U13 and up) will be formed from the pool of all the players in the merged club, and will play under the name of new club
8- A -S IDE (U11/12) S ETUP Will most likely follow the fully merged model of the Divisional teams but may depend on numbers
P ROS AND C ONS ( ASSESSMENTS ) ProsCons Larger pool of players provides better opportunity for all to be placed at an appropriate level Loss of existing Club or team identity, potential for existing teams that work (e.g. the older Divisional teams) which remain stable, with the same coach over several years
P ROS AND C ONS (C OACH D EVELOPMENT ) ProsCons Dependent on the philosophy and set-up of the partner clubs Dependent on the philosophy and set-up of the partner clubs – we would seek to ensure a major role of our current Head Coach
P ROS AND C ONS (P LAYER D EVELOPMENT ) ProsCons Depends on the partner clubs player development philosophy, and is uncertain. DPSC would seek to drive a strong player development process as a priority There will be dilution of the time currently offered by the DPSC Head Coach to DPSC players.
P ROS AND C ONS (F EES ) *The impact of a merged club on the overall lottery funding is unknown ProsCons Admin efficiency and purchasing power for equipment may provide financial efficiencies in a merged club; may be possible to keep fees lower Some of the other clubs currently have significantly higher fees than DPSC, and the new club would require consolidated fees; fees may rise in a merged club
*Plus a capital fee of $40, plus uniform purchase; §Plus $75 Gold/Silver fee MINI Early [Late] HOUSE Early [Late] DIVIS. (U11-U18) Early [Late] Douglas Park Kerrisdale Dunbar Point Grey Killarney KLM Grandview Marpole Vancouver Girls same as house $145 [145] U6/7 $135 [135] U6 $160 [190] U6* $150 U6 Same as house $99 [120] U6/7 $100 U5/6 $150 [180] $175 [200] U8-10 $195 [215] U7-10 $195 [225] U8-10* $165 U7-10 $175 U8-10 $100 U5-10 $150 [170] U8-12 $175 U7-10 $195 [$225] $220 [$245] $250 [$270] $250 [$280]*§ $200 $230 (U11/12) $250 (U13-18) $135 (U11/12) $ (U13-18) $180 [215] (U13-18) $200 (U11-12) $250 (U13-18)
P ROS AND C ONS (F IELDS ) ProsCons More selection of practice times and locations More turf time may be available for home games More political clout (advocacy) Less control over allocation of fields for individual teams May have to travel farther (e.g. UBC) None anticipated
P ROS AND C ONS (P LAYER R ETENTION ) ProsCons More opportunity to be able to find a place on a team at the right level for all players from Bronze to Gold, due to the larger player pool: Lifelong soccer None or very few. Existing teams that work may end up with some attrition as groups of friends get broken up
TEAMS 2010/11 (B OYS ) TotalU13-U18U12U11 Selects Point Grey Dunbar Kerrisdale Killarney KLM Douglas Park10631 Grandview Legion10730 ICSF10541 Marpole
TEAMS 2010/11 (G IRLS ) Total U13-U18U12 Selects Dunbar22202 Point Grey11101 Kerrisdale880 VGSC761 Douglas Park550 Killarney541 KLM440 Marpole220 Grandview Legion110 ICSF
T OTAL R EGISTRATIONS : DPSC Current Season Past four Seasons Boys: 492 Girls: 258 Total :755
D ISTANCES FROM DPCC Point Grey: 4.1 km Andy Livingstone: 4.7 km Memorial Park: 5 km Trillium Park: 5 km Van Tech: 7 km Jericho: 7.8 km UBC turf: 9.5 km
WESTSIDE MERGER Have a large player pool Are already at an advanced stage of merger discussions Intent on having joint assessments in the spring of 2011, and forming Divisional and U11/12 teams out of a combined Westside Soccer Club at the start of the 2011/12 season Include locally based House play, along similar lines to those advocated by DPSC Well organized, and they are serious about the success and timeliness of this process.
EASTSIDE MERGER Up to six clubs could be involved in a merger with DPSC It would then operate as a second large club in Vancouver, and as an alternative to the Westside merger. This could then form a focus for two medium- to large-sized clubs in Vancouver, both achieving the benefits of a larger player pool, while keeping some regional identity within the city. DPSC is the largest club in these merger discussions, not the smallest, but the east side is currently a little more fractured, and is at a less advanced stage of discussion. There will be less impact on home fields and training venues, as many of these (Van Tech, Memorial and Andy Livingstone) are already being shared by the clubs being considered for this merger.
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Douglas Park is currently not to be included in the planned merger of the Westside club for 2011/12 Douglas Park may opt to join the Westside organization in the 2012/13 season, though this is by no means certain Douglas Park is taking the lead with the Eastside clubs, with Grandview Legion and Vancouver Girls; others may be encouraged to join
PHASED APPROACH May have joint assessments with certain (Eastside) clubs at certain age groups; teams to be formed around largest number of players / coach availability Lead into more formalized mergers in the 2012/13 season. Opportunities to share resources (referees, nets etc.)