Mrs. Wink’s Happenings Have a Great Week! Spelling Words Week of: January 19-22 Announcements- Report cards go home January 21st Honor’s Assembly Jan. 29th @ 1:30 Reading: L17 Story: Two Bear Cubs Genre: A Play Read 20 minutes each night and parents sign reading log; Read timed reading and turn both in on Fri. Monday- No school Tuesday- Timed reading/Reading Log Wednesday- Timed reading/Reading Log Thursday- Timed reading/Reading Log Vocabulary Words Awe- amazed Concentration- focusing your attention on a single thing Dilemma- a problem or difficult situation Commendable- worthy of attention and praise Glancing- taking a quick look Scolding- angrily pointing out a person’s mistake Console- when you comfort or cheer someone up Heroic- someone who is brave and acts like a hero Drowsy- to feel so sleepy that you can’t stay awake Burden- a heavy load that is difficult to carry Spelling Words Thirsty 16. creature Person 17. uncurled Answer 18. curtain Pearl 19. mixture First 20. return Perfect Earth Clerk Purse Verse Hurt Work Burn Girl Word Math: Mon.- No school Tues.- Review Study Guide Wed.- Test Chapter 6 in class Thurs.- WB pgs. 127-128; 129-130 Grammar: Adjectives that compare Monday- No school Tuesday- WKSHT 59 Wednesday- WKSHT 60 Thursday- WKSHT 62 Spelling- Monday- No school Tuesday- Tic-Tac-Know Wednesday- Tic-Tac-Know Thursday- Tic-Tac-Know Have a Great Week!