SOP of Setting up Automatic Startup of Dserver & SCADA August 2013
Benefits No need to login windows account and open Dserver & SCADA manually. After some exceptional cases like power cut, the Dserver and SCADA will run automatically after server re-power. Keep the records of the real-time data and datalog. If Dserver /SCADA shuts down, it will reopen immediately.
Procedure to configure automatic Dserver & SCADA startup Step 1. Configure Automatic Logon of Administrator User Step 2. Configure Screen Saving Settings Step 3. Configure CET Sysdaemon to Automatic Dserver & SCADA Startup
Step 1 Configure Automatic Logon of Administrator User
Step 1 Configure Automatic Logon of Administrator User Click Start, click in the Start Search box, type run. Choose Run command program and press Enter. Type control userpasswords2 and press Enter.
Step 1 Configure Automatical Logon of Administrator User In the user account, choose the administrator user you want to configure as auto logon, uncheck the setting in red frame. Click Apply and type in the password of the administrator user. Click OK.
Step 2. Configure Screen Saving Settings
Step 2 Configure Screen Saving Settings Click Start, open Control Panel. Click Change the theme in Personalization.
Step 2 Configure Screen Saving Settings Click Screen Saver. Choose anyone screen saver, set wait time 1 minute and click on On resume, display logon screen. Click Apply and OK.
NOTE : Please switch to the auto-login user account and continue step2 Step 3 Configure CET Sysdaemon to Automatic Dserver & SCADA Startup NOTE : Please switch to the auto-login user account and continue step2
Step 3 Configure CET Sysdaemon to Automatic Dserver & SCADA Startup Open PecStar installation directory(Default: D:\CET\Common\),find sysdaemon.ini and open it.
Step 3 Configure CET Sysdaemon to Automatic Dserver & SCADA Startup If BOTH Dserver and SCADA are installed. Please Copy the following code and cover the previous code, Save the file. If ONLY Dserver is installed. Please Copy the following code and cover the previous code. Save the file. [main] ProcessNum=2 [Process0] Name=DServer.exe DelayTime=3 bStartFlg=1 [Process1] Name=Front.exe DelayTime=20 [main] ProcessNum=1 [Process0] Name=DServer.exe DelayTime=3
Step 3 Configure CET Sysdaemon to Automatic Dserver & SCADA Startup If ONLY SCADA is installed. Please Copy the following code and cover the previous code. Save the file. [main] ProcessNum=1 [Process0] Name= Front.exe DelayTime=20
Step 3 Configure CET Sysdaemon to Automatic Dserver & SCADA Startup Click Start, click in the Start Search box, type services. Choose Services program and press Enter. Double click CET Sysdaemon service.
Step 3 Configure CET Sysdaemon to Automatic Dserver & SCADA Startup Change Startup type to Automatic (4 options here: Automatic, Manual, Disabled, or Automatic (Delayed Start).) Change Service status to Start. Click Apply and OK.
Step 3 Configure CET Sysdaemon to Automatic Dserver & SCADA Startup After all the configuration done. Restart the server. The system will auto-logon the administrator user(CET1) and auto-start Dserver and SCADA.
Thank you !!!