5th Grade Water in San Diego Download curriculum: www.projectswell.org Click tab “TEACH ” Click on PROJECTSWELLCURRICULUM User name: sdunified Password:teachswell 5th grade Contact: Sandra J. Lebrón projectswell@sdcoastkeeper.org; 619-758-7743 #125 Education Coordinator San Diego Coastkeeper®
San Diego Water Story Review with students: Where Does San Diego Water Come From? 85% comes from imported sources (Colorado River and San Joaquin-Sacramento Delta). 15% comes from local sources (rain and rivers.)
5th Grade Water in San Diego Why We Need to Conserve Water? comparison of lakes
5th Grade Water in San Diego Why We Need to Conserve Water? What about the snow pack?
http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/MapsAndData/WeeklyComparison.aspx CA maps July 2011 and July 2015. Compare the drought severity on each.
How many gallons of water does a leaking faucet waste? One home with one faucet that leaks 3 drips per minute could waste 104 gallons of water annually < http://water.usgs.gov/edu/activity-drip.html>. Other drip calculator: http://www.awwa.org/resources-tools/public-affairs/public-information/dripcalculator.aspx 104 gallons of water wasted annually…
Water Bottle= Water Waste + How many liters of water are need it to make every one-liter bottle of water? It takes 3L of water to make every one-liter bottle of water. 3L= 1L
In the bathroom I save _____gallons of water by_________. Pick one activity (illustration) and research how much water you can save in each by taking conservation measures. Write a water conservation message for each. In the bathroom I save _____gallons of water by_________.
In the bathroom I save _____gallons of water by_________. Pick one activity (illustration) and research how much water you can save in each by taking conservation measures. Write a water conservation message for each. In the bathroom I save _____gallons of water by_________.
In the kitchen I save _____gallons of water by_________. Pick one activity (illustration) and research how much water you can save in each by taking conservation measures. Write a water conservation message for each. In the kitchen I save _____gallons of water by_________.
When I do my laundry I save ________ gallons of water by __________. Pick one activity (illustration) and research how much water you can save in each by taking conservation measures. Write a water conservation message for each. When I do my laundry I save ________ gallons of water by __________.
Students Project “Stop Water Waste” Students check their faucets for leaks at school or home. Students conduct online research about how much water is wasted due to leaks and other non water wise practices. Present the information they found in a Public Service Announcement to educate others. Publish their PSA’s at school, community, social media, or blog posts for an environmental organization.You can make an infographic, poster, video, song, anything to promote water conservation practices! Websites with more water conservation information: http://www.sandiego.gov/water/conservation/drought/ http://www.sandiego.gov/water/conservation/contests/film/ http://www.sandiego.gov/water/conservation/kids/ http://www.watersmartsd.org/ http://www.bewaterwise.com/?gclid=CISM29zJx8cCFVKEfgodOxoIxQ https://water.usgs.gov/edu/sc4.html http://www.sfgate.com/drought/slideshow/Visualizing-the-Drought- 99787/photo-7287056.php City of San Diego Water Conservation Program (619) 515-3500
5th Grade Lesson: Water Conservation PSA made by HTH Explorer Elementary 3rd grade students June 2015.
Lesson: Water Conservation Water Math For the Family Use Activity we will use the following changes to the gallons to mL conversions : 10 gal= 10 mL The real conversion from gallons to mL will be: Gallons to Liter: 10 gal= ? L 10 gal * 3.785L= 37.85 L 2. Liter to mL 37.8L to mL mL= 37.85 L *1000 = _____mL Conversions 1 gal= 3.785 L 1L= 0.264 gal 1L=1000mL 37.85 L=37850 mL. For the Family Use Activity we will use the following changes to the gallons to mL conversions : 10 gal= 10 mL Use worksheets 3-7 for Family use activity and student worksheet available at www.projectswell.org Teach SWELL Grade 5. username: sdunified password:teachswell
Water Math At the end of the activity students will calculate how gallons they actually use. Set a goal for water conservation and find out who was able to use water efficiently. 1 Liter
Water Math Activity Gallons (gal) Liters (L) milliliters (mL) * Drinking 0.5 Toilet flush 5 *Brushing teeth 3,780 Shower 75.6 Washing car 100 Watering Yard 680.4 Complete the conversions and find out how many gallons or liters we waste doing each activity.
Read, write, share! Research more facts about how much freshwater is available for drinking and how much is use to produce our food and other things. A Freshwater Story Source: National Geographic. http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/freshwater/ freshwater-101-interactive/ How much water do you use everyday? Research more about your water use and ways to conserve water everyday. Compare your water use at home with the average american household. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/22/world-water-day-2012- infographic_n_1367394.html Research how the drought is related to climate change? How is affecting different parts of the ecosystems? http://news.sciencemag.org/climate/2015/07/drought-preventing- trees-fighting-climate-change Evaluation- revise students PSAs and writing pieces about water conservation.