University Interscholastic League Volleyball Update – 2013
AGENDA UIL Rule Changes Dates for Season NFHS Rules Changes Volleyball Plan – Practice Regulations Game Definitions and Regulations UIL Rules Compliance Program Forms/Student Eligibility for All UIL Contests Eligibility for Athletics Charitable Cause Guidelines 2013 Regional Sites 2013 UIL State Tournament
UIL RULE CHANGES Unless noted otherwise, effective August 1, 2013 GENERAL Add a 4 th playoff team advancing from each district in team sport activities in Conferences 2A & 3A. Modify the penalty structure for a coachs ejection. Reduce the number of tournaments or meets by one per season for all high school sports. Allow schools to substitute tournaments for games. Create a six-conference alignment by renaming the current conferences for the school year. Require parents and students to sign the new Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form. Require parents and students in cheerleading to sign the Concussion Acknowledgement Form. Require cheerleading participants to follow Concussion Guidelines under Chapter 38, Subchapter D of the Texas Education Code. Require cheer coaches and sponsors to complete specific training related to safety guidelines for cheer.
UIL RULE CHANGES FOOTBALL Create a split conference alignment for 3A in Limit full contact practice for football players. WRESTLING Increase the number of qualifiers from district to regionals from two to four. SOCCER Limit the total number of scrimmages allowed prior to the start of regular season to three. Add a third conference for school year. TEAM TENNIS Increase the number of teams advancing from district to the new area meet to four. Add a third conference for the school year.
Dates for Volleyball Season August 5 First day to issue equipment and conduct workouts outside the school day, all conferences August 9 First day for scrimmages, all conferences. August 12 First day for matches, all conferences November 2 District Certification Deadline November 4-5Bi-district – All conferences November 7-9 Area – All conferences November Regional Quarterfinals – All conferences November Regional Tournaments – All conferences November State Tournament
NFHS RULE CHANGES Deletes reference that towel tucked in a players uniform waistband is an automatic violation NOTE New All contest officials shall be secured by the host school. Line judges, unless determined otherwise by state association policy, shall be provided by the host school. *5-2-1 New The order in which the referee display the hand signals is changed to indicate the result of rally, followed by the fault. Specific mechanics shall apply for second referee-initialed calls b Following the referees signal for end-of-set, teams are directed to the appropriate team benches and no longer report to the end lines. At the end of the match, the teams are released to follow any local or state protocol d; 5-5-3(18) Clarifies the protocol and mechanics for the second referee to follow when conducting the coin toss for the deciding set.
NFHS RULE CHANGES e The second referee shall initial the score sheet after each set and for final verification of match results , 2 New; New The use of electronic communication devices is permitted during the match; however, they may not be used for any review of a referees decision New A special time-out may be called by the referee when a team has an injured player, no time-outs remaining and no legal/exceptional substitutes available a When the second referee provides assistance to the first referee on plays that may be out of view of the first referee, such as assistance is provided with a visual, informal signal and not a whistle e New At the beginning of each time-out, the libero tracker shall inform the second referee of a teams libero status.
NFHS RULE CHANGES b Both the second referee and the official scorer will now time the 30-second injury time-out without use of the visible scoreboard In 2014, flags shall be used by line judges, unless determined by the state association to use hand signals Clarifies the state association policy for electronic media time-outs may also include the length and protocol for the time-out Either referee may stop play in the event of an injured/ill player.
C&CR Section 1330 VOLLEYBALL PLAN PRACTICE REGULATIONS One practice a day = maximum of 3 hours Two practices a day = no more than 5 hours; minimum of TWO HOURS rest/recovery time between the two practices Multiple practices may be scheduled on consecutive days (volleyball ONLY) No scrimmages until August 9 th
Volleyball Coachs Manual Game Definitions and Regulations Single match - A single match shall be defined as: NFHS Rule 1-2-1, 2, 3 Art. 1...A match shall consist of the best three-out-of-five sets. The first team to win three sets shall be the winner of the match. The fourth and fifth sets shall not be played unless it is necessary to determine the winner of the match. Art. 2...A match shall include a let serve. Art. 3...A match shall entitle each team a maximum of two time-outs per set. Dual match - consists of a team that plays two other teams or plays the same team twice at the same site (must be the same level of competition); counts as one contest for the school week, one of the two matches UIL permits students per calendar week and counts as two of the total matches for the student per season; second match should be played as soon as it can be scheduled for one team after their first match; a dual match can be held any day of the week; all teams at one site do not have to play a dual match.
Volleyball Coachs Manual Game Definitions and Regulations Double header - A student may play in a varsity and a junior varsity match, a junior varsity match and a ninth grade match, or a ninth grade and a varsity match the same night. This counts as the total two allowable matches UIL permits the student for the calendar week and counts as two of the total matches for the season. Scrimmage - a meeting of not more than four teams for practice purposes which does not count as a game for any of the teams; admission may be charged. Officials may be paid in accordance with the schedule in Section 1204 and may, by prior agreement with the school, be reimbursed for mileage and meals. A school shall not play in a scrimmage after its first interschool game or match in that sport.
Volleyball Coachs Manual Game Definitions and Regulations Warm-up Games - Teams in the play-offs may play warm-up matches. All warm-up matches must count in the match limitation for the school year. EXCEPTION: If the district champions have a bye for the first round, those schools may schedule a warm-up match in addition to the match limits. This additional match shall be played on a non-school night with no loss of school time. NOTE: A bi-district game may be played on Thursday during the week of a warm-up game (according to Texas Education Agency interpretations). Pool Play - A team may play in pool play during the first rounds of a tournament provided the pool games consist of two "mini games" using rally scoring 0-15 (cap at 20) OR regulation and modified regulation 2-out-of-3 matches using rally scoring 0-25 (no cap).
Volleyball Coachs Manual Game Definitions and Regulations Tournaments - A tournament consists of at least three teams assembled at one site for competition. 2 matches can be substituted for one tournament 0 tournaments and 27 matches 1 tournament and 25 matches 2 tournaments and 23 matches 3 tournaments and 21 matches 3 matches per day in tournament play EXCEPTIONS: May play in 4 matches in a 1- or 2-day tournament (Friday/Saturday)
UIL Rules Compliance Program (RCP) Available ONLY via the UIL website and covers the following: CONSTITUTION AND CONTEST RULES (C&CR) for both HS and JH ETHICS AND SPORTSMANSHIP through Positive Coaching Alliance UIL STEROID EDUCATION VIDEO SAFETY TRAINING (Senate Bill 82) Sport-specific modules
UIL Rules Compliance Program (RCP) NFHS Required Courses - link available on the UIL website 1. NFHS TEACHING AND MODELING BEHAVIOR COURSE Minimum penalty for misconduct 1.5 hour course/$20 2.NFHS FUNDAMENTALS OF COACHING COURSE All first year coaches and any coach who is not a full employee of the school district (exception: coaches who qualify for the exception under Section 1202(a)(3). 6 hour course/$35 PLEASE PRINT CERTIFICATE TO VERIFY COMPLETION.
REQUIRED FORMS FOR ALL STUDENT PARTICIPATION Pre Participation Physical Examination Form Medical History Form Rules Acknowledgment Form Parent or Guardian Permit Parent/Student Anabolic Steroid Use and Random Steroid Testing Form Concussion Acknowledgement Form Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form
C&CR Section 400 STUDENT ELIGIBILITY FOR ALL UIL CONTESTS Students are eligible to represent their school in varsity interscholastic activities if they- are not a high school graduate are a full-time student meet regular attendance policies/15 day rule (Varsity only) meet credit requirements (No pass, No play) are enrolled in four year program are eligible under the age rule (Waiver) was not recruited (PAPF) have observed all provisions of the Awards Rule meets requirements under C&CR Section 440
C&CR Section 440 ELIGIBILITY - ATHLETICS Meets all requirements of Section 400 Meets Parent Residence Rule (See Section 442) Meets the Age Rule (See Section 446) Has not changed schools for athletic purposes - Previous Athletic Participation Form (See Section 443) Is an amateur (See Section 441)
C&CR Section 443 CHANGING SCHOOLS FOR ATHLETIC PURPOSES - All new students in grades 9-12 who have ever practiced (before, during or after school) or participated in any UIL athletic activity in grade 8-12 at another school MUST have this form completed by the previous school (last school of participation) and be approved by the District Executive Committee before they are eligible to participate at the varsity level at the new school. - The new form includes the student eligibility questionnaire that must be completed first for any student new to that school district before participation.
C&CR Section 441 AMATEUR ATHLETIC STATUS Amateur Athletic Status is violated upon the following- 1. Accepting valuable consideration as an award for winning/placing in an athletic contest. Valuable consideration is defined as anything wearable, usable or salable, and includes such items as t-shirts, hamburger coupons, free or reduced rate tennis racquets, tickets to athletic contests, etc. 2. Accept valuable consideration for teaching or coaching any UIL sport, except beginning swimming or lifesaving lessons. 3. Accept valuable consideration for allowing their name to be used for advertisement of a product, plan or service.
C&CR Section 480 LIMITATIONS ON AWARDS LIMIT: Awards Schools May Give - an award not exceed $70 in value to a student during that students high school enrollment at the same school for participation in UIL inter-school competition. Awards Students May Receive - A certificate, medal, trophy or other symbolic award for participating in any UIL activity which counts on League standing, if it is given by the school, school district, the district executive committee, or the entity that organized the competition.
C&CR Section 441 AMATEUR ATHLETIC STATUS Amateur Rule Valuable consideration that school teams and athletes CAN accept- Examples of additional items deemed allowable under this interpretation if approved by the school, include but are not limited to: 1. meals, snacks or snack foods during or after practices 2. parties provided by parents or other students strictly for an athletic team SEE ALSO EXCEPTIONS - C&CR Section 441 (b)
Charitable Cause Guidelines 1. Competition may be held during any one week. 2. No exceptions to the NFHS uniform rules. 3. Jerseys of a different color than the school colors are not allowed. 4. Commemorative colored ribbon, bead, socks, etc. is recommended.
2013 UIL Volleyball Regional Sites 1A Region I The Coliseum, Western Texas College – Snyder, TX Region II Weatherford High School – Weatherford, TX Region III Lobo Coliseum, Longview ISD – Longview, TX Region IV Brenham High School – Brenham, TX
2013 UIL Volleyball Regional Sites 2A Region I Moody Coliseum, Abilene Christian University – Abilene, TX Region II Rockwall High School – Rockwall, TX Region III Lobo Coliseum, Longview ISD – Longview, TX Region IV Blossom Athletic Center, North East ISD - San Antonio, TX
2013 UIL Volleyball Regional Sites 3A Region I The Coliseum, Western Texas College – Snyder, TX Region II Mesquite Poteet High School – Mesquite, TX Region III Bryan High School – Bryan, TX Region IV Blossom Athletic Center, North East ISD - San Antonio, TX
2013 UIL Volleyball Regional Sites 4A Region I Moody Coliseum, Abilene Christian University – Abilene, TX Region II Berkner High School, Richardson ISD – Richardson, TX Region III Don Coleman Community Coliseum, Spring Branch ISD – Houston, TX Region IV TBA
2013 UIL Volleyball Regional Sites 5A Region I Glen Rose ISD Tiger Arena, Glen Rose ISD – Glen Rose, TX Region II Bernard G. Johnson Coliseum, Sam Houston State University – Huntsville, TX Region III M.O. Center, Aldine ISD – Houston, TX Region IV University of Texas Pan American – Edinburg, TX
November 21-23, 2013 Curtis Culwell Center Garland ISD Garland, TX 2013 UIL Volleyball State Tournament
RESOURCES UIL Constitution and Contest Rules Volleyball Coachs Manual NFHS Rule/Case Book TEA-UIL Side by Side Manual Booster Club Guidelines Parent Information Manual Junior High Manual
Questions? Peter Contreras Bree Davis UIL Office - (512) Images provided by Google