Agenda IR Film Clip Friday Feather Circle


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda IR Film Clip Friday Feather Circle Where Worlds Collide (3/2/1 activity – focus on parallelism, allusion, identity) HW: None

Reminders (1-26-18) Need signed syllabus from the following people: Griffin, Justin, James B., Andrew C., KiKi, Dioh, Jacob, Austin, Kye, Ariel, Madysun, Matthew, Jordan, Allen, Cameron, Josh, Virgina Grab your independent reading book from the top of the cart! Unit Test – Next Friday, 2/2 Study guide will be posted by next Wednesday! Your synthesis chart is part of your study guide! Have you signed up for the REMIND messages?

Independent Reading

Film Clip Analysis The Corpse Bride (Tim Burton/music by Danny Elfman) - Describe the music you hear and note what occurs in the scene with the music. What is the effect of the music? How does it function in the scene?

Feather circle sharing of cultural identity writing

Where worlds collide Read and respond; 3/2/1 handout/whip around share Parallelism/allusion