D ISASTER R ESPONSE AND R ECOVERY : From the Perspective of Faith-Based and Secular Nonprofit Organizations: A Dialogue University of Houston –Clear Lake University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill Center for the Study of Natural Hazards and Disasters Funding from the Department of Homeland Security
O UTLINE Research Project 1 – Texas and North Carolina Research Project 2 – Houston Metro Region A Dialogue with YOU! Future Research Thanks!
T HE R ESEARCH P ROJECT 1 The Research Team Overview of the Research Project Research Questions: What are the constraints and facilitators of post-disaster housing recovery? What policies, resources, and capabilities are needed to improve housing recovery after a disaster?
D ATA AND M ETHODOLOGY Two survey instruments: 167 mailed survey to public officials 24 in-person and phone interviews with public officials, nonprofits, and volunteers Site visits to study communities Relevant federal, state, and local documents Relevant websites and new item Damage assessments/Housing data loss On-going data analysis
C HALLENGES OF D AMAGE A SSESSMENTS Political Climate Some community members dont want a substantial damage determination Timing Can take months to years for data to be processed and released to public Needs to be analyzed immediately Data Collection Poor management after event Hard to find and receive from various organizations Pride in data ownership
U SEFULNESS OF D AMAGE A SSESSMENTS Response and Recovery Management Self-accruing community database Divide community into sections for emergency relief and un- met needs Funding mechanisms Leverage for federal and/or state assistance Performance Evaluation Can be used for employee training in the off-season
S HOREACRES SELF - ASSESSMENTS 85% housing loss 144 homes reviewed through RSDE 79 Substantially Damaged Homes 613 Minor-Major Damaged Homes Lost 1 in 7 homes 27% tax base loss 12% homes without insurance 12 homes inspected by commercial adjuster Raised community value by 7% for RSDE Held weekly workshops for 3 months after Ike Bi-monthly thereafter
Q UESTIONS : How useful are damage assessments? Can they be improved?
Q UESTIONS : What helps smaller communities like Shoreacres recovery? What is the role of nonprofit organizations? How can as assist nonprofit organizations?
M AJOR O BSTACLES TO H OUSING R ECOVERY Insurance Availability Lack of government assistance, FEMA Assistance gap – ineligible people Conflicting information from FEMA An anti-government, go-it-alone philosophy Structures built pre-FIRM/flood ordinances Long-term Flood damage is difficult to assess prior to tear-out Availability of qualified contractors Lack of communication
T HE S UCCESSES Elevated homes in the flood plain Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) The public sector recovery City infrastructure back online Citizens taking a more active role in preparedness and mitigation Increase in community understanding Volunteer organizations/ Nonprofits
T HE R ESEARCH P ROJECT 2 The Research Team Overview of the Research Project Research Questions: In what ways to secular and religious nonprofits assist in disaster response and recovery? How can assist the work of secular and religious nonprofits in disaster response and recovery?
C URRENT S TATUS 40 in-person interviews More than 140 surveys New brief survey online
Detail of Studied Area with Sample Points
P RELIMINARY F INDINGS What Influences Response and Recovery?
F ACTORS THAT F ACILITATE R ESPONSE AND R ECOVERY 1. Experience (Institutional knowledge/training) 2. Collaboration (horizontal/vertical integration) 3. Planning (mitigation/recovery planning) – that includes local nonprofits 4. Local Knowledge 5. Community Approaches 6. Local Foundations 7. Integrating local NGOs into local government
F ACTORS THAT D ELAY AND E VEN P REVENT R ESPONSE AND R ECOVERY 1. Coordination/Timing Issues 2. Inadequate Existing Resources that are flexible and immediate 3. Limitations of Damage Assessments 4. Personal connections – who you know
F EDERAL Provide FEMA representatives familiar/knowledgeable with the local community Clarify and address Duplication of Benefits and discrimination against the most vulnerable Pamlico County – the Popperwill Familys efforts to recover
F EDERAL Need flexible & immediate funding for local nonprofits Preapproved Memorandum of Understanding (recognized by FEMA) Educate staff on the importance of working with local nonprofits and recognizing established community collaborations Local Foundations and Community Organizations Provide a book of codes for nonprofits to navigate reimbursement
N ON -C OMPLIANCE I was shocked when the first family that I worked with and found out that they are in a home that is probably 80 years old, no upgrades, and their insurance was costing them $3,200 per year. And, they just simply cant do it. The lack of savings and the lack of long-term financial stability certainly played into it. (Dare County)
S TATE Stage building and insurance experts at the Disaster Recovery Centers to reduce misinformation Serve as the data coordinator/data liaison between local jurisdictions and federal agencies Create a network of jurisdictional and contracting aid Work with local jurisdictions for site placement of THUs
L OCAL C OUNTY / J URISDICTION Plan for the inevitable loss of tax revenues Continue to refine and use damage assessment data Pre-event zoning of community Train employees for disaster preparedness Establish partnerships with local foundations and nonprofits Involve nonprofits in disaster planning and recovery Serve as a liaison between FEMA and local nonprofits
A LL S TAKEHOLDERS Bring all stakeholders to the table pre-, during-, and post-event. Nurture long-term relationships and partnerships Streamline damage assessments and case management Institutional knowledge is a vital and overlooked part of recovery and should be nurtured Local foundations and community organizations play an important role in disaster recovery
T HE M EDIA FOCUS …. This aerial photo taken during a helicopter tour, on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011, with a group of federal and state officials shows a section of Highway 12 at the edge of Rodanthe, N.C., that was destroyed by Hurricane Irene. (The News & Observer, Chris Seward, Associated Press)
C HALLENGES & L AST T HOUGHTS Scale, timing, and funding differences between Ike and Irene Expanding the role of National and Local VOAD organizations in creating connections between governmental and nonprofit organizations Establishing a chamber for nonprofit organizations Identifying and recognizing unmet needs (mental health issues, legal aid, medical and prescription drug needs, pet issues, language barriers, culture specific issues) Social Infrastructure
F UTURE R ESEARCH Expand the research geographically Expand the research to include more federal public officials and/or the experiences of homeowners Explore best practices for recovery Compare recovery planning in communities with those that dont What resources do nonprofits need?