Identifying a source when you’re not sure what it is Library Research Skills Tutorial
(is it a book chapter? an article? a report?) Perhaps you have a print or online document but you’re not sure what it is (is it a book chapter? an article? a report?)
Maybe your professor has cited a source in a syllabus, but the citation is incomplete
The best way to find out what this document is would be to search for the title (or as much identifying info as possible) in Google or Google Scholar
You cited some information from this document in your assignment Example: You cited some information from this document in your assignment
But you can’t remember where it came from. You have the title, author and page numbers.
A Google search for the title and author’s last name provides results. Clicking on the first link…
…provides the title and table of contents of the book where this document can be found
The document is a book chapter and with that information, it can be easily cited.
Take note! If you are still having difficulties identifying a source, contact a librarian. Library Research Skills Tutorial