Warbeck assessment feedback and introduction in to Henry VII’s government. Good learning: Understand what went well and the areas for improvement from your feedback Great learning: Explain how to tackle some of the areas for development Even better: Address and develop answer to tackle the areas for improvement Key Word: In what ways and how effectively was England governed during this period?
Reflection time! First of all well done on completing your first assignment! The first think I would like you to do is read through my comments and record the information in to your history planner in green pen. Type Grade Area for improvement GB1 Tudor extract (/10) See list of tasks on the next page Good learning Understand WWW and areas for improvement based on your feedback Great learning Explain how to tackle some of the areas for improvement Even better Address and develop answer to tackle areas for improvement
Your work is currently not finished. Complete your work! TASKS For your ‘Even better if’ you have each been given a number that relates to a task. I would like you to complete in order to help you improve your work. Next to the number write down what the task means by referring to the list below. Redo your introduction which outlines the key arguments of the extract. In your 2nd paragraph add more convincing arguments with evidence and analysis that supports how they are convincing. In your 3rd paragraph add in more unconvincing arguments with evidence and analysis that supports how unconvincing they are. Go back through your 2nd and 3rd paragraph and add in more specific evidence to support your arguments (also see where it has ‘D’ written) Go through and add in more explanation/analysis to address how the evidence makes it convincing or not (also see where it says ‘Ex’/explain). Have another go at your judgement. This time include specific detail that supports your judgement and ensure its balanced by showing both convincing and unconvincing elements. Your work is currently not finished. Complete your work! Have another go at the assessment with an emphasis on structure. You can just bullet point the different things as to what you would put in each paragraph Have another go at your assessment, but this time complete it in timed conditions of 20 minutes (this is how long you would have in the exam).
Interpretation and evidence Level Grade Interpretation Context/ Knowledge Analysis 5 (10- 8) A*- 10 A- 8-9 Very Good understanding Very good understanding of historical context. Evaluation of the arguments will be well-supported and convincing 4 (7-6) A- 7 B- 6 Good understanding The response demonstrates a good understanding of context. The evaluation of the arguments will be mostly well-supported, and convincing, but may have minor limitations of depth and breadth 3 (5-4) C- 5 D- 4 Reasonable understanding Some comment The response demonstrates an understanding of context. There is some analysis and evaluation but there may be an imbalance in the degree and depth of comments offered on the strength of the arguments 2 (3-2) E- 3 U- 2 Provides some accurate comment on the interpretation The response demonstrates some understanding of context. The answer may contain some analysis, but there is little, if any, evaluation 1 (1) U- 1 A little understanding The response demonstrates limited understanding of context. Vague or Generalist and contain some inaccuracy and/or irrelevance Good learning Understand WWW and areas for improvement based on your feedback Great learning Explain how to tackle some of the areas for improvement Even better Address and develop answer to tackle areas for improvement
Highlight the elements you find convincing/unconvincing How convincing is this interpretation in relation to the significance of the Warbeck and Simnel risings? Refer to the extract and use your understanding of the historical context. (25 marks) The [Warbeck] plot had never won much support in England and had been a danger only because of the use made of it by foreign powers. Without their help, it would not have dragged on for so long. It is likely that Warbeck’s rising was part of a detailed plan by the Yorkists to regain the throne, rather than a spontaneous event. Although it is unlikely that he ever convinced anyone that he was Richard, the Yorkists saw in it their best chance of removing Henry and were willing to back anyone to gain revenge. Even though it failed it did cause Henry considerable embarrassment and it was for that reason that he finally executed him. The revolt had easily been contained and Warbeck, unlike Simnel, had been unable to force the king into a pitched battle. The greatest challenge was that of Simnel, because it came so soon after Bosworth and forced Henry to fight another battle before he could be certain of support. Nicholas Fellows, Disorder and Rebellion in Tudor England (2001) TASK: Underline all the different arguments you could have referred to as part of your answer. Highlight the elements you find convincing/unconvincing Good learning Understand WWW and areas for improvement based on your feedback Great learning Explain how to tackle some of the areas for improvement Even better Address and develop answer to tackle areas for improvement
Lets see what you got…… [Warbeck] had been a danger only because of the use made of it by foreign powers. Without their help, it would not have dragged on for so long. It is likely that Warbeck’s rising was part of a detailed plan by the Yorkists to regain the throne, rather than a spontaneous event Although it is unlikely that he ever convinced anyone that he was Richard, the Yorkists saw in it their best chance of removing Henry and were willing to back anyone to gain revenge. [It caused] Henry considerable embarrassment and it was for that reason that he finally executed him. The greatest challenge was that of Simnel, because it came so soon after Bosworth and forced Henry to fight another battle before he could be certain of support. Most students missed out that Warbeck was not spontaneous, some missed out Simnel (remind students that Simnel is in the question!) Give yourself a mark out of 5 for how many arguments they were able to pick out. Write a paragraph the refers to all the arguments in your own words and also explains what the overall argument of the extract is. Good learning Understand WWW and areas for improvement based on your feedback Great learning Explain how to tackle some of the areas for improvement Even better Address and develop answer to tackle areas for improvement
[Warbeck] had been a danger only because of the use made of it by foreign powers. Without their help, it would not have dragged on for so long. It is likely that Warbeck’s rising was part of a detailed plan by the Yorkists to regain the throne, rather than a spontaneous event Although it is unlikely that he ever convinced anyone that he was Richard, the Yorkists saw in it their best chance of removing Henry and were willing to back anyone to gain revenge. [It caused] Henry considerable embarrassment and it was for that reason that he finally executed him. The greatest challenge was that of Simnel, because it came so soon after Bosworth and forced Henry to fight another battle before he could be certain of support. Students were good at making points generally – don’t need to spend too much time on this CONVINCING NOT CONVINCING Good learning Understand WWW and areas for improvement based on your feedback Great learning Explain how to tackle some of the areas for improvement Even better Address and develop answer to tackle areas for improvement
Writing up paragraphs 2 and 3 POINT: The vast majority of you were VERY good at making a clear point. You identified one bit of the argument that you found either convincing, or not convincing – well done! EVIDENCE: This is where the biggest issue was… Too many of you failed to back up your point, by bringing in detailed knowledge. This is what capped a LOT of answers in L3 (C/D grade). Some of the evidence you used was not relevant to the point you raised. You are going to look at some extracts from the essays I have read. Your job is to identify the problems with each extract. Good learning Understand WWW and areas for improvement based on your feedback Great learning Explain how to tackle some of the areas for improvement Even better Address and develop answer to tackle areas for improvement
Fellows convincingly argues that Warbeck was only a danger, and lasted so long because of the foreign support. This is convincing because France, Burgundy, and the Holy Roman Empire supported Warbeck. Fellow’s argument that Warbeck was executed because he embarrassed Henry is not convincing. This is because Warbeck was a pretender and wanted Henry VII to lose his position as King. Warbeck was able to gain the support of other countries. Fellow’s argues that Simnel was a greater threat than Warbeck. This is convincing because it came so soon after Bosworth. Also, it forced Henry to fight another battle before he could be certain of support. Issue is lack of detail Issue is that the detail is not relevant to the point raised Issue is that the evidence is copied from the extract! Need to at least expand on it. Good learning Understand WWW and areas for improvement based on your feedback Great learning Explain how to tackle some of the areas for improvement Even better Address and develop answer to tackle areas for improvement
What is wrong with this conclusion? Conclusions Overall, Fellow’ argument is unconvincing for the most part. This is largely due to the fact he does not use evidence to back up his ideas. For example he says that Warbeck was a danger because he got foreign support, but does not back this up with evidence. The only convincing part of the argument is where he says Simnel was a great threat. This is because he backs up this point with evidence about going into battle and the rebellion being so close to when Henry became King. What is wrong with this conclusion? Good learning Understand WWW and areas for improvement based on your feedback Great learning Explain how to tackle some of the areas for improvement Even better Address and develop answer to tackle areas for improvement
Your Turn! TASK: Based on the feedback you have received today and the task you have been asked to work on, I would now like you to address this with green pen. Please be aware that there might be other things that need to be addressed as in your answer and these shouldn’t be ignored either. Therefore, once you have completed the task look through the rest of your work and see if any other element s could be improved. Good learning Understand WWW and areas for improvement based on your feedback Great learning Explain how to tackle some of the areas for improvement Even better Address and develop answer to tackle areas for improvement
Find definitions for each of the following words: FLIP LEARNING TASK: Find definitions for each of the following words: Nobility: The nobility/nobles, were the highest class in Tudor society, just below the King. The nobility included lords, earls, and dukes, and they typically held power in government. Attainder: An attainder was a parliamentary Act confiscating lands for treason. Patronage: The monarch granting special favours, such as lands or position of court in order to retain their support. Council Learned in Law: Part of the royal council who initially dealt with managing the king’s feudal rights, but soon took control of all financial matters. Retaining: a way of recruiting gentry followers. At the end of last lesson you were given this independent learning. Its now time to see what you have come up with. Check your definitions with the ones opposite and make any corrections with green pen.
How did Henry’s government work? TASK: Our first task is to understand how Henry’s government worked. In your teams you will each take it in turns to come up and have a look at a picture. You will then need to go back and describe to the rest of your group what is included on the picture. You will each need to make a copy of the diagram. Each table has now been given a copy, make an amendments in green pen Good learning Understand WWW and areas for improvement based on your feedback Great learning Explain how to tackle some of the areas for improvement Even better Address and develop answer to tackle areas for improvement
Your tasks for next lesson are as follows: FLIP LEARNING TASK: Revise the government diagram you have just made ready for a quick check of understanding next lesson. Also continue with any improvements which need to be made on your assessment for next lesson Your tasks for next lesson are as follows: