Workshop Next steps for Equality Outcomes? Helen Miller, Policy Officer Equality and Human Rights Commission
Todays session Introductions Monitoring and Measuring Up? 2013/14 Improving Equality Outcomes 2014/15 Focus on Equality Outcomes – our findings and observations, your experiences and getting ready to report on progress in 2015
The purpose of our monitoring programme To fulfil our regulatory role to monitor the PSED and take enforcement action if required To inform Scottish Government about performance and practice ahead of the report of the Scottish Ministers Duty in December. Identify good practice and work with others to promote it. The findings of this monitoring work will enable the Commission to fulfil its unique regulatory role to monitor the Public Sector Equality Duty. It will also enable the Commission to identify and promote good practice and make recommendations to the Scottish Government on actions to meet the Scottish Ministers Duty to “publish proposals for activity to enable a listed authority to better perform its equality duty” in December 2013
Measuring Up? May – November 2013 Stage 1 Monitoring publication of equality outcomes, mainstreaming reports, employment information, equal pay statement and a pay gap and publication of a report summarising findings. Stage 2 Review of public authorities performance of the duty to gather and use employment information Assessment of public authorities equality outcomes Meetings and discussions with stakeholders Stage 3 Produce a final report using evidence and analysis from stage 1 and 2 Make recommendations to the Scottish Government and Scottish Ministers.
Equality Outcomes - findings 224 were examined, 27 excluded On average PA’s published 7 outcomes varying by sector Age, disability and sex outcomes the most common, Gender reassignment and pregnancy outcomes the least common 55% detailed use of evidence 56% detailed use of involvement 31% “good” 40% “mixed” 29% “poor”
Where did public authorities go wrong with equality outcomes? Published outputs or activities rather than an outcome Not specific – did not set out what the problem or issue was Not strategic or measurable No discernable link to the general equality duty Where a protected characteristic was not mentioned there was no explanation offered Published only 1 outcome – requirement is for a ‘set’. Not equality outcomes- list of activities and / or outputs (often for the public authority, rather than for individuals) Outcomes focus is on the organisation, rather than PCs Not SMART Outcome not SMART – defined as actions rather than the end point / result. Outcome does not relate to equality, does not define any inequality Outcomes do not relate to any specific PC – not specific Difficult to measure Outcomes are not measurable. References to measurement don’t seem pertinent to actual outcomes Lack of outputs / indicators makes progress hard to measure General Outcomes have no link with General Duty No obvious separate outcomes for EA / LB Many outcomes relate to accessibility or staff awareness
PSED project in 2014/15 Scottish Government Scottish National Equality Improvement Project We are leading on Equality Outcomes Working directly with selected public authorities to support them to improve their equality outcomes and republish them Providing a self assessment tool (tested and refined with the group) published Autumn 2014 Providing a briefing on reporting requirements in 2015.
ACTIVITY Outcomes vs outputs Monitoring outcomes – indicators and measures Using self assessment questions – test. Use examples of poor outcomes to demonstrate Measurements
What next for Equality Outcomes? Regulations specify that you must publish a report on the progress made to achieve your outcomes in an accessible way Where feasible use an existing means of public performance reporting? What will this be for you? An annual report? Be balanced - show progress and areas where you need to improve Use this as a way of showing the impact of your work as well as celebrating your achievements.
Any other questions ? My contact details Helen Miller 0141 228 5958