Hongming Zhang EMS Applications Manager, PEAK RC


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Presentation transcript:

Hongming Zhang EMS Applications Manager, PEAK RC Post-Phase I WISP Applications Deployment and Validation Update September 2014 JSIS Meeting Hongming Zhang EMS Applications Manager, PEAK RC

Agenda WISP Applications deployment update Use of PMU for system event validation PMU data accuracy validation update MM and ODM validation testing & issues Next steps

WISP SW Deployment Update ETV 3.1 has been installed to Engineers Consoles last week. The deployment includes Weather data is available in Production-ETV soon Deployment to Control room starts this week. ETV 4.0 will be available for deployment on this Oct Grid Stability Assessment (GSA) will install soon.

ETV Overview with Weather Layer Added

WSM Model Validation by PMU Data Peak started to validate WSM model accuracy by using PSLF v19 and TSAT v13 to simulate system events against historical PMU data. PSLF v19 (trial version) results match PMU closely as 95% of WSM units are mapped to the dyd file. TSAT v13 results become reasonable when EMS names are populated and used for unit mapping. Peak is enhancing WSM and built-in TSAT dynamic models, plus new TSAT software feature for model validation purpose.

April 24 Chief Jo Brake Insertion Test

May16 System Event Simulated by TSAT

May16 System Event Simulated by TSAT (Cont.) Notes Peak modified EMS code to export equipment EMS names to PTI30 format raw file as input to TSAT. As a result, WSM units unmapped to the dyd decreased from 27% to 15% of total capacity Most netted units are wind farms w/o freq. response.

WECC Footprint PMU Installation Sitemap Notes Till this Summer, Peak OpenPDC received 584 PMUs located at over 110 stations from 18 WISP members. PMU signal types: Voltage Current Frequency

PI based PMU Measurements Validation Tool Highlights: Compare Phasor values (30 samples/1s) to known trusted values ICCP/SE (10s/60s scan rate) Set allowable deviation Angle = 2 Deg. Mag = 1% of Nominal KV Determine “% Good” (within allowable deviation) Notes: SCADA ICCP measurements are being refreshed in 10s. PMU voltage measurements are sent in SCADA at 1s interval. SE solves for every 60s. The SE values need be written in SCADA for storing in PI At least one of PMU reference angle measurements need be enabled in SE =𝑨𝒃𝒔( 𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝑰𝑪𝑪𝑷/𝑺𝑬 − 𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝑷𝑴𝑼 )>𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑳𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕

BA’s PMU Voltage Signals Validation by SCADA and SE (8/20/2014-9/07/2014) Voltage Angle (SE Compared) Voltage Magnitude (ICCP Compared) Company No. of Stations w PMU installed Within +/- 2 Deg of SE (%) Within +/- 1% Nom. KV of ICCP (%) AESO 4 67.95 100.00 APS 3 96.02 50.88 BC Hydro 8 51.85 76.17 BPA 26 99.29 99.89 IPCO 7 70.91 90.89 LADWP 5 33.84 66.66 NEVP 1 95.48 100 NWMT 2 85.94 96.29 PAC 67.08 75 PNM 67.00 99.98 SCE 40.67 18.9 SDGE 94.45 SRP 88.24 50 WACM 68.63 SUM/AVG 62 73.38 80.33

Ex. BPA PMU Voltage Validation Statistics

Abnormal PMU Voltage Angle Samples

Mode Meter (MM) Testing & Issues Recent MM validation tests found a few issues; MM solutions (i.e. oscillation freq. and damping ratio) are NOT available frequently. MM solutions differ between Prod and Test servers. Input PMU signals are bad or not configured properly. To facilitate MM testing, Peak re-configure to use BPA validated PMU angle signals for N-S back-up modes: N-S Mode A back-up using Chief_Jo to Malin angles N-S Mode B back-up using John_Day to Malin angles MM solutions (i.e. oscillation freq. and damping ratio) are the mode estimates.

Mode Meter (MM) Testing & Issues (Cont.) No solution due to invalid PMU signal No solution due to high damping ratio Invalid PMU angle signals Collaboration is needed to clean up the data issues

PMU Angle Diff Input to N-S Mode B

ODM Baselining Implementation & Testing Peak updated ODM configure file to implement the baselining parameters given by MontaTech in Test system. False alarms were noted due to lack of timer in ODM. Here is an example, Timer can be implemented in GSA which will produce correct alarms in EMS and archived in PI

ODM Baselining Implementation & Testing (Cont.)

2014 Probing Test PMU Data Request Till date Peak provided 130+ PMU/24hr dataset in Comtrade for 2014 probing test dates: March 13/20, April 3/16/24/30 and May 14. To collect the more PMU data for the rest dates: Date Test Phase Brake PDCI Probe Wide-band probe* May 29 2   YES June 12 June 19 3 June 26 July 10 July 24 August 7 August 21 September 4 September 11

Next Steps Going Forward Develop viable ETV use cases and roll out in prod Validate PMU measurements as critical input to WISP and ROSE-VSA applications. Establish a working process to address the PMU quality issues in collaboration with members. Use GSA to archive WISP applications results for validation and study analysis. Validate ODM & MM by TSAT/SSAT et al tools, and collaborate the effort with member entities.

Hongming Zhang, hzhang@peakrc.com