Customer journey perspectives
Introduction This slide pack is an introduction to the customer journey. In the following slides we: Describe the customer journey Explain the key terms Describe where the focus of resources should be Show a number of examples of how the key groups – the Council, the citizen and third parties – could play a part in this journey.
The Customer Journey Universal services and early intervention First contact - advice and signposting Meet immediate needs and enable Assess Calculate initial personal budget Support plan Authorise & validate Go live Monitor & review Early Intervention Self-directed Support This is the revised customer journey. It differs from the existing Customer Journey in the following ways: It includes Universal Services and Early Intervention Initial contact assessment is now ‘First Contact – advice and signposting’ There is a new ‘Meet immediate needs and enable’ step It reflects the features of the existing customer journey but also reflect universal services and early intervention, the meeting of immediate needs and enablement. The lighter coloured segments of the journey show the activities that take place once an individual is in the realm of social care and moving toward a support plan, whilst the darker segments show the broader activities that do not necessarily lead to a support plan and may help prevent one being required. It is also important to note that whilst the diagram shows a linear process, successful early intervention, universal services and enablement mean that for many people their journey will be slowed or even halted, and in some cases enablement may take people out of the process altogether. The customer journey is not a straight line – the aim is to manage your needs to slow your journey through the process down or to free you from it altogether.
What is each part of the journey? Universal services and early intervention First contact - advice and signposting Meet immediate needs and enable Offering services to all, and using the full range of services to reduce future demand Providing information and advice to anyone who contacts the Council, including self-funders First line of support, aimed at getting people back on their feet Assess Calculate initial personal budget Support plan Authorise & validate Go live Monitor & review Assessing an individual’s needs Calculating an amount of money that the person can plan with Developing a plan to meet an individuals needs Approving the support plan and signing off the actual budget Putting the support plan into action Ensuring the support plan is being implemented and is meeting needs This is the revised customer journey. It differs from the existing Customer Journey in the following ways: It includes Universal Services and Early Intervention Initial contact assessment is now ‘First Contact – advice and signposting’ There is a new ‘Meet immediate needs and enable’ step It reflects the features of the existing customer journey but also reflect universal services and early intervention, the meeting of immediate needs and enablement. The lighter coloured segments of the journey show the activities that take place once an individual is in the realm of social care and moving toward a support plan, whilst the darker segments show the broader activities that do not necessarily lead to a support plan and may help prevent one being required. It is also important to note that whilst the diagram shows a linear process, successful early intervention, universal services and enablement mean that for many people their journey will be slowed or even halted, and in some cases enablement may take people out of the process altogether.
How do you use your resources? Current – majority of spend on care provision How do you use your resources? Future – re-focus spend on prevention and early intervention This slide illustrates how the focus of spend on adult social care should change as the transformation agenda develops. The current focus, illustrated at the top of the diagram, is on the provision of care for those who already require it with smaller amounts available for prevention and enablement. The result of this approach is that the number of people requiring long term care will at best remain constant and at worst, and given the current demographic issues likely, there will be an increase in demand. In the future, resources should be re-focused on prevention and early intervention which will stabilise demand in the short term and should reduce it in the long term. Broad services Practical everyday support Enablement & using community resources Provision of care
How can you help customers stay independent? Those not eligible for a package can get further information Review may suggest enablement Universal services and early intervention First contact - advice and signposting Meet immediate needs and enable Assess Calculate initial personal budget Support plan Authorise & validate Go live Monitor & review enablement prevents requirement for ongoing support The first slide showed in a simple and straightforward manner the customer journey. This is a very useful way of helping people to understand the key elements and the order in which they fall. However anyone who has had exposure to this journey, whether they are staff, citizen or provider will acknowledge that the actual journey and the steps and actions around this are far more complex. This slide attempts to capture these complexities, and in particular emphasises that it is not a linear process but that people can move back up the journey or out of it altogether at various points. Continually look for opportunities to enable, signpost or give advice to increase independence Encourage to the left, not inevitable drift to the right
Citizen – the customer or service user The key players The major benefits of the new customer journey include its flexibility and its universal application. The following slides show how this may operate in practice. These are intended to help you think about the role you see different parties playing in the future to help you think about the possibilities for your system. The key players are: Citizen – the customer or service user Other groups - this can be friends, family or another organisation (e.g. charity, church) Council - The local authority who can be involved in any step in the process and may have to be involved n some
Traditional approach to the journey In the new environment, there is an opportunity for Councils to re-evaluate how citizens, the council and anyone else are involved during the process. This slide shows a traditional model Universal services and early intervention First contact - advice and signposting Meet immediate needs and enable Assess Calculate initial personal budget Support plan Authorise & validate Go live Monitor & review Other (friend, family any organisation) Citizen Council
The Future: Example 1 – a mixed approach In the future the role of the citizen and other groups can increase, although the Council will still have a significant role to play. This slide presents an example of what this could look like. Universal services and early intervention First contact - advice and signposting Meet immediate needs and enable Assess Calculate initial personal budget Support plan Authorise & validate Go live Monitor & review Citizen could play large role through self- service Self or supported assessment is introduced Increased citizen and other involvement in support plans Prevention and early intervention from a combination of sources Other (friend, family any organisation) Citizen Council
The Future: Example 2 – Independence In the future the role of the citizen and other groups can vary according to an individuals need. In this example, the service user wants to maintain as much independence as possible and do things themselves. Universal services and early intervention First contact - advice and signposting Meet immediate needs and enable Assess Calculate initial personal budget Support plan Authorise & validate Go live Monitor & review Does own research to get informed User undertakes Self-assessment Develops own support plan Other (friend, family any organisation) Citizen Council
The Future: Example 3 – Council-focused In the future the role of the citizen and other groups can vary according to an individuals need. In this example, the service user still wants lots of help from the Council Universal services and early intervention First contact - advice and signposting Meet immediate needs and enable Assess Calculate initial personal budget Support plan Authorise & validate Go live Monitor & review Relies on Council as source of information Majority of services provided By Council Brief self- assessment followed by Council support Limited input to support plan Goes on Council enablement programme Other (friend, family any organisation) Citizen Council
The Future: Example 4 – Self-funder One of the main benefits of this model is that it applies universally. For self-funders, the Council can have as large a role to play if is chooses to, or if the self-funder would like it to. In this example the Self-funder wants support from their Council Universal services and early intervention First contact - advice and signposting Meet immediate needs and enable Assess Calculate initial personal budget Support plan Authorise & validate Go live Monitor & review Council undertake assessment Obtain a mixture of Council and own services Council provide information to self funders Offer support planning either for fee, or to ensure future council commitment is reduced. Other (friend, family any organisation) Citizen Council