PBIS in the Classroom: Interaction Application (Your campus) PBIS Team Student Services Department
Interaction = Actively Engaging Students Say, “Your classroom management plan should not be separate from your instructional plan. No matter how good of a classroom manager you are, you must have good instruction in order to have an effectively managed classroom. Quality teaching is the most effective classroom management tool.” Click to show the ovals and say, “Quality teaching and learning and student behavior [click again] go hand-in-hand.” Quality teaching Student behavior
Yes/no, choice, or production? Extended or abbreviated? Task history Old, familiar, or new? Task variation Varied or unvaried? Task response form Yes/no, choice, or production? Task Dimensions Task scheduling Extended or abbreviated? Task modality Oral, motor, or written? Say, “In the Interaction online module, we reviewed 6 task dimensions. They are…” Click and review the task dimensions Task complexity Hard or easy?
What makes a task more difficult What makes a task more difficult? (and most likely to occasion problem behavior?) Task dimension Options Task history Old Familiar New Task response form Yes/No Choice Production Task modality Oral Motor Written Task complexity Easy Hard Task schedule Extended Abbreviated Task variation Varied Unvaried Say, “This table shows the six task dimensions and the options for each. In reality [click to show the big black circle], any dimension of any task can occasion problem behavior. That’s because the appropriateness of a task dimension depends on the learner(s), not the task itself.” Darch & Kame'enui, 2004
Discussion How do you incorporate active engagement into your instructional planning? How do task dimensions impact your lesson planning? In your experience, which aspects of instruction have the biggest impact on classroom management? Read questions and gather input from participants.
Task Dimension Adjustments? Classroom Management Adjustments? You are co-teaching with Mrs. Adzwrong. She is working with 8 students on measurement. On the board, she has written “12 inches = 1 foot,” “3 feet = 1 yard,” and “100 yards = a football field.” She says, “Students, today we will go from inches to feet and back again. How many inches in a foot?” When no one answers, she taps the board, and one student says, “Twelve.” “How many feet in a yard?” Again, no answer. Another tap on the board, and another student says, “Three.” “How many inches in three yards?” Predictably, no answer. “If no one is going to participate, you can do these examples on your own. You have 45 minutes to work these problems,” Mrs. Adzwrong says, handing out a worksheet. After 5 minutes, the students are talking to one another, giggling, and no problems are getting done. Mrs. Adzwrong shakes her head and says to you, “I don’t know what else to do. Any ideas?” Read the scenario. Distribute the “Interaction Strategies” handout. Say, “Imagine you are a mentor teacher. How would you assist Mrs. Adzwrong? What task dimensions could be adjusted or classroom management strategies could be utilized to assist her in actively engaging her students?”
Follow-up teacher activity Teams Use the remainder of this PowerPoint to make connections between the District’s academic initiatives (multi-level instruction, planning cycle, etc.) into this Interaction (engagement) module. What connections can you help teachers make between this module and the academic instructional activities your campus is implementing? Be sure to visit with your Principal and Instructional Coach during your planning for this module. As a resource, consider presenting teachers with the Interactions Strategies handout created by the Student Services Department.
For More Information Refer to the Student Services intranet website. From inside AISD, click on: www.w3.aisd.net/studentservices Click on the PBIS tab Consult with member(s) of your campus PBIS team Who do I contact for more information? (read information on the slide) Also, there is additional information on the back of your handout on how to find more information about PBIS and to access the handouts electronically. Please leave your completed feedback forms at your tables along with the Professional Learning Participant Matrix. Thank you and have a great day!