Steve Rueckert – Director of Standards Standards Update Steve Rueckert – Director of Standards Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC Standards Committee (WSC) Sector Representation Openings Two-year Term Four Sector Openings Sector 3 (Marketer-Broker) – Tanner Brier Sector 4 (Distribution) – Warren Rust Sector 6 (End-Use) – Caitlin Liotiris Sector 7 (State-Provincial) – David Walker Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC-0101 – Generator Validation Conversion Proposed WECC Regional Variance to NERC MOD-026 and MOD-027 Lower threshold for applicability Testing and validation timing aligned with the current WECC Generator Testing Policy Technical assessment conducted Ballot Pool forming 8/18 – 9/3 Ballot Window 9/16 – 10/8 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC-0107 – PSS Design and Performance Initially identified by the Regional Criteria Work Group as a potential standards project Modifications to recently approved VAR-501-WECC-2 Simplify Incorporate WECC PSS tuning guidelines and the WECC Policy Statement on Power System Stabilizers Posted for Comment July 7, – August 6, 2015 Next drafting team meeting is September 1, 2015 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC-0108 – WIT Checkout Confirmation Purpose of INT-021-WECC-CRT is to define the checkout process of applicable BAs using the WIT Update and align with current NERC standards Ballot Window July 23, - August 7, 2015 100% weighted approval Will be presented to the Board for approval at the September Board meeting Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council WECC-0111 – TOP-007-WECC-1a Project to retire the standard Result of efforts by the Path Operator Task Force (POTF) Ballot Pool forming 8/18 – 9/3 Ballot Window 9/16 – 10/8 Posted by NERC for a 45-day comment period through September 28, 2015 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC-0113 – Retire WECC Regional Variances in NERC FAC-010 and FAC-011 Existing Variances identify additional outages that must be considered when developing SOL Methodology The WECC Reliability Subcommittee believes these can be retired New TPL-001-4 and other NERC Standards Justification posted for a 45-day comment period July 24 – September 8 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC -0113 Retire WECC Regional Variances in NERC FAC-010 and FAC-011 NERC is conducting a periodic review of several FAC Standards including FAC-010 and FAC-011 Desire is to have any WECC revisions completed prior to completion of NERC activity Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC-0114 BAL-002-WECC-2 Request for Interpretation Requirement R1 includes language identifying allowable types of Contingency Reserve Requirement R2 requires one half of the Contingency Reserve to be Operating Reserve – Spinning Request for clarification on the definition of “Operating Reserve – Spinning” in R2 Operating Reserve – Spinning is a NERC defined term Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC-0114 BAL-002-WECC-2 Request for Interpretation Proposed interpretation confirms that the allowable types of types of Contingency Reserve identified in R1 are included in the NERC Term Operating Reserve – Spinning Ballot Window July 23, – August 7, 2015 100% Weighted Sector Approval Currently posted at NERC for a 45-day comment period through September 17 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC-0115 Retire BAL-002-WECC-2, Requirement R2 SAR suggests that BAL-002-WECC-2, R2 is redundant with NERC BAL-003-1, R1 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC-0115 Retire BAL-002-WECC-2, Requirement R2 BAL-002-WECC-2, R2 requires that at least half of the Contingency Reserve required by Requirement R1 be Operating Reserve – Spinning. That is immediately and automatically responsive to frequency deviations capable of fully responding within ten minutes Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC-0115 Retire BAL-002-WECC-2, Requirement R2 BAL-003-1, R3 in part reads “Each Frequency Response Sharing Group (FRSG) or Balancing Authority that is not a member of a FRSG shall achieve an annual Frequency Response Measure (FRM) that is equal to or more negative than its Frequency Response Obligation (FRO) to ensure that sufficient Frequency Response is provided … Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC-0115 Retire BAL-002-WECC-2, Requirement R2 BAL-002-WECC-2, R2 specifies the quantity of contingency reserves that must be frequency responsive BAL-003-1 specifies a specific Frequency Response Measure The SAR suggests these are the same, but some have argued that they are not BAL-003 and the associated Frequency Response are characteristics of the first few seconds of a disturbance and are based on available on-line spinning reserve, the associated inertia of the in use generation and the existing frequency dependent load. BAL-002 and BAL-002-WECC are needed for the period after system frequency response to use contingency reserves to restore ACE within 15 minutes. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council NERC 2010-14.1 Phase 1 of Balancing Authority Reliability-based Controls BAL-002-2 Contingency Reserves Addresses NWPP request for interpretation related to contingencies greater than MSSC Most recent ballot (7th) passed 75.92% quorum 69/26% weighted approval Western Electricity Coordinating Council