Assessment and Accountability Network Meeting September 8, 2016
Mathematics Benchmarks Discussion Is your district giving mathematics benchmarks this year? If so, when? Trimester/Quarter? How are your teachers going to access the data? How will you support them in using the data to inform instruction?
Mathematics Benchmark Discussion Are you using the same mathematics benchmarks as last year? Yes Why did you decide NOT to make any changes? No Why are you changing? What was your revision process?
Mathematics Benchmark Discussion Are you using curriculum embedded assessments or creating your own? If you’re creating your own, what process did you use to create the items? If you’re using an item bank, what program are you using? If you’re using curriculum embedded assessments, how you did decide the ones your using?
Mathematics Benchmark Discussion Keep these in mind when designing…. Content Major Cluster Standards Depth Opportunities DOK Levels Math Claims Calibration protocol- if including performance task Time frame
Mathematics Benchmark Discussion Keep these in mind (continued) Balance Problem solving Conceptual understanding Fluency Question types Selected response Constructed response Extended responses Performance task Constructed- write your answer Extended response- explain Performance task- 6 item task
Mathematics Benchmark Discussion How is your district going to use the data? How are your teachers going to access the data? Formative Summative If formative…. How will you support teachers in using the data to inform instruction?
Contact Information Kirsten Sarginger Mathematics Coordinator (408) 453-4351