Highlights from the 4th COSMIC Data Users Workshop
Workshop Numbers ~130 Participants 60 Oral Presentations 13 Future Missions Presentations 16 Poster Presentations 17 Student Posters ~80 attended the Banquet at Laudisio Presentations will be available on website soon Special Thank You to: Sara Frank-Bristow, Karl Hudnut, Doug Hunt, Kim Prinzi-Kimbro, Bill Kuo, Ingrid Moore, Dawn Williams, and JOSS
Science Highlights Weather Climate and Validation Cucurull at NCEP showed 8 hours of improvement in Weather forecast skill at day 4 and over 15 hours in day 7 Von Engeln, At ECMWF, RO data #5 in analysis of 1-day forecast error reduction at ECMWF Some impact with regional model DA with RO? Randel showed evidence of ubiquitous tropopause inversion layer – upper level tropospheric moisture in polar regions Taylor used RO to evaluate polar SSW event – questions remain about reaction of tropical tropopause Seidel showed that PBL difficult to define Fei Xie (and Jie) presented results on diurnal variability of PBL Kursinski used to RO to look into ENSO monitoring (prediction?) Gravity wave studies and estimates of propagation direction Sergey discussed structural uncertainty in LT Metop/GRAS has tracking problems in LT Climate and Validation Ho demonstrated mission independence and calibration potential (other instruments) of RO data Pirscher evaluated bending angle noise results from different missions, CHAMP Steiner et al, presented climate trends with CDAAC RO that were consistent with Radiosondes, climate models Marquardt showed that Metop/GRAS has lower noise at high altitudes Climatologies of tropopause, PBL
Science Highlights Ionosphere and Space Weather CDAAC presented possible ionospheric response to SSW event Yue presented Abel inversion errors in ionosphere Alan Burns from HAO/NCAR reported that the WSA phenomena can happens in a vast area near dusk in summer using COSMIC NmF2 and hmF2 and can be explained by the conjugate effects Charles Lin from NCKU reported mid-latitude summer nighttime anomaly (MSNA) of the ionosphere by COSMIC EDPs Tiger Liu reported the plasma depletion bay by COSMIC EDPs Scintillation studies by Strauss, Gouthu Sporadic E layer climatology with COSMIC Nicholas Pedatella from CU used COSMIC EDPs and TIP data to study the ionosphere disturbance during 15 Dec 2006 geomagnetic storm and found a long lasting positive storm effect in ionosphere Clayton Coker from NRL assimilated TIP observations into USU GAIM and found obvious improvement of assimilation results during nighttime then only assimilating GPS observations Xiaoqing Pi from JPL did many observation system simulation experiments (OSSE) and found that COSMIC 2 can advance the assimilation performance because of much more GPS TEC observations than current COSMIC
Future Mission Highlights Kompsat-5 launch delayed until 12/2010 OceanSat-2 launched, ROSA phase/amp data GFZ new mission Tandem-X, possible MicroGEM mission