October 5, 2018 Szymendera_megan@tesd.net 610-240-2031 Monday (Day 4) Language Arts/Classroom Skills – Writing our first and last names Pencil, scissor, and glue skills Listening to stories Raising our hands to wait for our turn Following teacher directions Letters Ff and Gg (sounds, handwriting, sign language) Color Word: Green Literature About Apples and Spiders Math – Calendar Counting to 10 and 20 Days of the week Months of the year Number sense: 5 Shape: Rectangle Patterns Science – Senses: Smell and Taste It was another fun week in kindergarten! The students had their first few days of playing out on the kindergarten blacktop for recess because of the ERB testing that was taking place in the upper grades. They played some basketball, colored with sidewalk chalk, practiced on jump ropes and tested their hula hoop skills! It’s always fun to do something new Many friends are starting to use their lowercase letters when writing their name and it is wonderful! Homework will be coming home to reinforce these skills and I appreciate your help! Mrs. Mehrotra, the Occupational Therapists, came to visit again and showed us how to properly use scissors. Some friends will be given packets to strengthen their new skills. Next week we will talk about fire safety since it is Fire Prevention Week. Monday (Day 4) Art Tuesday (Day 5) Gym Wednesday (Day 6) Music Thursday (Day 1) Library – No Checkouts Friday (Day 2) Science Oct – Mini Me Presentations Check the directions sheet for your child’s day! Oct 19 – Pumpkin Extravaganza Please visit the Sign Up Genius sight created by Mrs. Penny. We need many volunteers to make this event happen. Thank you to those able to help! Oct 26 – Fall Festival 6pm Oct 31 – AM Kindergarten Halloween Our parade begins at 10:30 The class party will begin after parade Szymendera_megan@tesd.net 610-240-2031