3D Slicer Version 3.0 Update for mBIRN Analysis, Visualization, and Interpretation
What is Slicer3? Total Rework of 3D Slicer At least 80% of code rewritten New versions of VTK (5.0), ITK (3.2) Improved Look and Feel (KWWidgets) Improved Modularity Analysis routines can be used as plugins or command line executables for batch processing Draws on Multi-Institution Community Kitware, Inc., GE Research, Isomics, Inc., BWH, UCLA, UCSD, UIowa, MIT, GaTech, UNC, U Utah, MGH, UCI, Harvard, WashU… NAC, NCIGT, NA-MIC, mBIRN, fBIRN
Slicer3 Usability Clean, Unified GUI Design Wendy Plesniak (BWH) and Sebastien Barre (Kitware) Developed in Close Collaboration with User Community and Trainers Unified Cross Platform Behavior, Easy Installers Undo/Redo, Tooltips, Drag ‘n’ Drop… New Logo!
mBIRN Slicer Goals Ensure mBIRN Slicer functionality stays current with new Slicer version FreeSurfer Interoperability DTI Analysis and Visualization Provenance QueryAtlas BIRNDUP Protocol Neutral Segmentation (EM Segmenter) Informatics Interoperability (XNAT, Portal, Grid, Workflows)
FreeSurfer FreeSurfer Models and Volumes handled as built-in types Scalar Overlays and Lookup Tables will be Supported
DTI Analysis and Visualization Under Active Development but not yet ready Expected by late 2007 Developed with NA-MIC, NAC, LMI, and NCIGT Applications in Image Guided Neurosurgery will Help Drive Development
Provenance Built in from beginning of Slicer3 Track Cross-Platform Issues Windows (XP and soon Vista) Mac OSX (PPC and X86) Linux (32 and 64 bit) Being Integrated with Slicer3 Execution Model Parameters developed with interactive Slicer environment Modules can run as independent batch jobs on cluster or grid using those parameters
QueryAtlas Leverages FreeSurfer and Informatics Interoperability Interactive Data Exploration for mBIRN and fBIRN Ongoing Ontology Tie-in Work and Workflow Development
BIRNDUP Can be ported to Slicer3 Delayed pending development of mBIRN policy for defacing Command line tools for DICOM Header Deidentification publicly available and documented
Protocol Neurtral Segementation EM Segmenter being ported to Slicer3 by MIT and Kitware Tutorial held January 2007 in Utah Documentation on the Web Additional development ongoing Slicer2 version successfully used in MS Lesion segmentation Included in the current 3D Slicer 2.6 Applied to white matter lesion segmentation in Multiple Sclerosis. MPRAGE and FLAIR Available to support BELL Data courtesy Istvan Csapo, Charles Guttmann, Center for Neurological Imaging, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Algorithm by Kilian Pohl, MIT/BWH/Isomics
XNAT / Informatics Integration Current Status: Query/Browse for Data at XNAT Site (oasis-brains.org) Download XAR (zip) from XNAT Tell Browser to “Open With…” Slicer3 Images Available for Visualization and Analysis Next Steps Manifest / Data Description files / XCEDE FreeSurfer Datasets, DTI Datasets in XNAT Upload of Processed Data Direct Database Interface (Improve download performance) Generalize for BDR