of Hadronization in Nuclei


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Presentation transcript:

of Hadronization in Nuclei Quark-hadron Duality of Hadronization in Nuclei Xin-Nian Wang LBNL The study of modified fragmentation came out of the desire to under the structure of dense and hot matter First Workshop on Quark-Hadron Duality and the Transition to pQCD Frascati, June 6-9, 2005

Quark-hadron Duality QCD hadrons from Mars quarks from Venus Hadrons and quarks as individual identities are very different,… In the context of duality here, the question is whether they can both be used to describe the same phenomenon, one more efficiently than others depending on the problems

Quark scattering or hadron absorption? Hadronization inside nuclei Hadron absorption Quark propagation and scattering, Hadronization outside the nuclei

Conclusions Never promise any great ideas!

Quark Fragmentation Function e+e- annihilation q S Collinear factorization

DGLAP Evolution Splitting function

DIS off Nuclei e- Frag. Func.

Multiple Parton Scattering Formation time

Multiple Parton Scattering Generalized factorization: (LQS’94) Collinear expansion:

Collinear approximation First term Eikonal  Double scattering

Modified Fragmentation Guo & XNW’00 Modified splitting functions Two-parton correlation: LPM Virtual correction important. Note the correlation length enters here

Twist Expansion

HERMES data E. Wang & XNW PRL 2000 in Au nuclei

Energy Dependence

Conclusions Never promise any great ideas! Leading hadrons suppressed in DIS eA, agrees well with multiple parton scattering

Di-hadron fragmentation function Majumder & XNW’04 h1 h2 jet

DGLAP for Dihadron Fragmentation

Medium Modified Dihadron Triggering h1 D(z1,z2)/D(z1)

Higher orders or hadron absorption? Hadron formation time: protons

Conclusions Never promise any great ideas! Leading hadrons suppressed in DIS eA, agrees well with multiple parton scattering Higher twists might be important Hadron absorption likely at lower energies

Angular distribution of radiative gluons Radiation in vacuum Induced Bremsstrahlung: Dihadron correlation in relative transverse momentum

Jet Quenching in Heavy-ion Collisions Azimuthal asymmetry f jet1 jet2

Abnormal angular distribution STAR PHENIX

Parton Energy Loss Quark energy loss = energy carried by radiated gluon Asymptotic form of parton energy loss

Conclusions Never promise any great ideas! Leading hadrons suppressed in DIS eA, agrees well with multiple parton scattering Higher twists might be important Hadron absorption likely at lower energies Initial gluon density in Au+Au is about 30 times higher than cold nuclei Multiple hadron correlations critical measurements

Flavor of Jet Quenching Parton recombination

A Perfect Fluid ? Hydrodynamic model with zero viscosity Weakly colored Bound states String theory AdS5/CFT Policastro,Son,Starinets

Bulk Elliptic Flow Pressure gradient anisotropy Hydro-dynamics calc. Self quenching

High density at RHIC GeV From RHIC high pT data: single & di-hadron, v2 GeV for E=10 GeV Initial (energy) density 30 (100) times of that in a Cold Au Nucleus Energy density is about 100 times that of that in cold nuclear matter Consistent with estimate of initial condition also consistent with hydrodynamic analysis of radial flow from

Parton Energy Loss Same-side jet profile Same-side jet cone remains the same as in pp collision Hadron rescattering will change the correlation Between leading and sub-leading hadrons

Geometry of Heavy Ion Collisions x z y EZDC ET ET Centrality of the collisions Impact Parameter (b) EZDC In heavy ion collisions, you are colliding two extended objects.

No jet quenching in d+Au Initial state effect: Shadowing & pt broadening: XNW, PRC61(00)064910

Azimuthal Anisotropy II Azimuthal Mapping of jet quenching 20-60% STAR preliminary out-plane In-plane

High pT spectra in A+A collisions pQCD Parton Model

Single hadron suppression

Comparison with Monte Carlo

Energy Loss of A Heavy Quark B. Zhang & XNW’03 Dead cone effect

Jet Quenching at RHIC XNW’03

Mono-jet production

Suppression of away-side jet 20-60% STAR preliminary Di-hadron invariant mass spectra