Welcome to ESOL This is going to be a great year! About Mrs. Pope Contact Me As your child’s ESOL teacher, I am excited to be a part of their educational journey. Let me introduce myself! My name is Niki Pope. This is my second year as an ESOL teacher and my 12th year teaching in Paulding County. I have taught every grade K-5th and now serve ESOL students at Union Elementary, New Georgia Elementary, as well as Scoggins Middle School. npope@paulding.k12.ga.us or leave a message at your child’s school. Big News! I am expecting the birth of my second son, Jude, on September 7th. I plan to begin serving students as soon as possible and remain in the classroom as long as I am able. I will be returning to school in December. I have no doubt your children will be in great hands while I am gone. Website and Resources https://www.paulding.k12.ga.us/Domain/1441 My class website is loaded with resources to help you help your child at home, as well as information regarding the ACCESS test, and links specific to English Language Learners. We will be using the SeeSaw app as a private online portfolio this year so you can tract your child’s progress. There is a link on my website and I will be sending home more information soon.