Earlston Cluster HWB
Starter: Famous Failures In pairs, match the famous person with their failure. Some of them you may already know.
Famous Failures Failures Famous Person Michael Jordan Bill Gates A. Dropped by production company because “she wasn’t pretty or talented enough to be an actress” Failures Famous Person B. Was dropped from his high school basketball team for a “lack of skill” Michael Jordan Bill Gates The Beatles Marilyn Munro Henry Ford Colonel Sanders Stephen King D. Couldn’t sell his chicken, more than 1000 restaurants rejected him C. His first book was rejected 30 times before it was published E. Was a failure at 3 businesses until he succeeded with his motor company aged 53 F. University drop out, first software company was a failure G. Rejected by their record company who said “we don’t like their sound” and “they have no future in show business”
Learning Intentions By the end of this lesson you will be able to: Identify how people respond to failure Explain what Mastery and Helpless responses are Understand that in order to succeed you must fail!
Task 1 – We all make mistakes In our every day life we make mistakes which we can learn from. In pairs, discuss some of the little mistakes you’ve made personally and what you learned from it. E.g putting a metal knife into a working toaster - causes an electric shock! Write the 3 best ones down. You’re teacher will take some of your ideas to discuss as a class
Failure In each of these cases you have failed at something, learned from it and gone on to complete the same task again successfully. BUT some failures are bigger than others… How do you deal with failure?
Different ways people view failure 2. List ways in which people respond negatively to failure Do you have things like? BLAME themselves or other people Feel DEPRESSED GIVE UP trying AVOID doing anything difficult Become AGGRESSIVE
Different ways people view failure 3. Now list ways in which people respond positively to failure Do you have things like? Persistence/try again Remain hopeful Use failure as a tool to learn from Try alternatives Put more effort in next time
Case Study: Michael Jordan During his brilliant basketball career, Michael Jordan: won 6 NBA Championships earned a total of 14 MVP (Most Valuable Player) awards was selected to 14 All-Star games Won 2 Olympic gold medals won 10 scoring titles... and the list of his achievements goes on and on. Many people know Jordan as the most famous and successful Basketball player of all time. But you may not know this… WATCH: Michael Jordan Failure
“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career “I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Would you say Michael Jordan has a Growth Mindset? As well as having a Growth Mindset, Jordan also has a Mastery Response to failure!
Different responses to failure Some people view failure as a learning opportunity. They value learning. We call this a Mastery Response While others view failure as confirmation that they are not smart. We call this a Helpless Response It may be that you have a mastery response in one area and a helpless response in another.
Task 4 Decide which of the following are MASTERY or HELPLESS responses to failure. Note them down under the appropriate heading. There are 6 each Try harder Lack of perseverance Unmotivated Being resilient Feel personally responsible for the setback Decreased enjoyment View setback as a challenge Look for other ways to do things Disengaged and avoid getting involved with studying Engage with the problem Depressed and anxious Remain upbeat and hopeful
You are much more likely to achieve success by adopting a Mastery Response (Growth Mindset) Helpless Response (Fixed Mindset) Try harder Unmotivated Feel personally responsible for the setback Being resilient View setback as a challenge Lack of perseverance Engage with the problem Decreased enjoyment Disengaged and avoid getting involved with studying Look for other ways to achieve Depressed and anxious Remain upbeat and hopeful You are much more likely to achieve success by adopting a Mastery Response and a Growth Mindset
Task 5: Personal Reflection Look at the typical characteristics of a mastery and helpless response to failure you have noted down Draw a horizontal line on your page with ‘mastery’ on the left and ‘helpless’ on the right. Put a cross where you think you are on this line. Mastery Helpless Answer: What can you do to develop a more mastery response to failure?
Task 6 - Achieving Success Note down something you are successful at or have achieved success in. E.g a sport, a test, a musical instrument, an award, a presentation b) Write down everything that you had to do in order to achieve this. E.g plan ahead, practice, revise etc c) What obstacles did you have to overcome or what have you had to sacrifice to achieve this? E.g Speak in front of a crowd, time spent away from friends, getting upset because I couldn’t do it at first
Fail Harder Watch: Fail Harder “Fail harder now so you can succeed easier later” Final Thought: What can you fail harder at?