To ensure invoice payment to agreed terms, please follow these guidelines. Failing to do so may result in your invoice being rejected and not getting paid on time, so please read carefully! Purchase Order information: A Kellogg PO has the following format: 4500XXXXXX You should receive a copy of the PO to the email address provided to us. If you have not received copy of the PO or if you have any question relating to the PO (e.g. the PO may not be valid anymore) please speak to your Kellogg Contact You should not provide any goods & services until you receive a copy of the PO Invoice information: Please invoice Kellogg as per the Purchase Order. You will need to have the following information on your invoice, all of which can be found on the PO: Kellogg Legal Entity and Vat Registration (detailed explanation below) Kellogg Invoicing Address Kellogg PO Number and PO Line Number (detailed explanation below) Unit of Measure Price & Currency Invoicing solution: ALL OUR SUPPLIERS SHOULD INVOICE US THROUGH OUR E-COMMERCE PARTNER Tungsten Please do not send us paper copies of invoices submitted via Tungsten. CONTACT INFORMATION For any query relating to your PO (e.g. if you have not received or if you believe the information is incorrect) please speak to your Kellogg Contact. For any enquiry relating to the status of your invoice please contact the Kellogg AP helpdesk on +44 (0)161 869 5000 For any enquiry relating to the submission of your invoice, please speak to TUNGSTEN on +44 (0) 870 165 7430
PO line number Please make sure that the PO line numer is always referenced on your invoice. 1.Please check the setup of your Purcahse Order. You can see the line number in the column on the left. For example, when creating the invoice line for item 20. Please enter all basic data and then click the „+” sumbol.
3. In the additional data windon, please enter the PO line numebr 3. In the additional data windon, please enter the PO line numebr. This will help our system identify the correct line and book your invocie automatically. Kellogg Legal Entity (how to identify correct customer AAA account) Please check the company code on your PO. It will be shown in the top-right corner. In our example company code is KEUK.
2. Please go to https://www. tungsten-network 2. Please go to and click on one of the below links, depending on whether you are suppling goods or services. 3. In the excel file that will be downloaded, you will be able to find the Tungsten buyer corresponding to the company code (KEUK). 4. Kellogg Co of Great Britain Ltd (GB151194288) AAA562185363 is the customer that you need select when creating the invocie.