7th grade HOMEWORK #3 PAGES 16-20
2. Why did the government have to continuously raise taxes? 16-20 1. What did the emperor Caracella do to increase loyalty to the empire? 2. Why did the government have to continuously raise taxes?
3. Why would the wealthy Romans move out of the cities? 4. What lead to the Roman army becoming less effective?
5. If someone were to say you are acting like a “barbarian”, what do they mean exactly? 6. What country did the Huns invade Rome from?
7. Based on the map on page 18, EXPLAIN which invader inflicted the greatest damage to Rome. 8. Which kingdom did Clovis create?
9. Where do you think the modern day country of FRANCE gets its name from? 10. Other than taking jobs from Roman workers, how did slavery help bring an end to the empire?