Homework Journal Learning anatomy and physiology requires an extraordinary amount of "brain time." Everyone's brain works a bit differently, so you will have multiple options for homework each week. However, because homework accounts for 15% of your grade, the options for your "brain time" must be documented each week in this homework journal Each lesson will have a Homework Journal entry You will answer 3 required questions, plus one of 2 options.
Question #1 - Required List the 3 or more activities you chose as homework this week. Reread, highlighted and/or annotated the chapter. Created a written outline of the chapter. Created/used flashcards. Answered the objectives at the beginning of the chapter. Completed the multiple choice/matching sections of the student workbook. Colored/labeled the illustrations in the student workbook. Listen to audio summaries of the text. Found new or re-watched videos. Used online quizzes such as quizlet. Created mnemonics or acronyms to help memorization. Created visual notes or drawings. Other - List or describe.
Question #2 - Required Question #3 - Required List one or two things you understand well from the lesson. List one thing that you found the most difficult. Question #3 - Required
Choose one of the following options. Upload evidence (a picture) of one of your choices in question #1 Download the free CamScanner app to your phone. Take a picture of your homework and email it to yourself. Save the picture as a file, e.g., HW.1.27.19. Attach the file to question #1. Answer the remaining short answer questions in the Homework Journal.
Uploading evidence to the Homework Journal